New Meepo Hurricane parts for sale

New Meepo Hurricane trucks with motor mounts everything except the top plates and the screws these also come with a brand new set of orange urethane Meepo 90 mm wheels with the pulley’s and belts (36 tooth). This would be a great start on a new project. The shredder trucks can be set up as DKP OR TKP up to you. Or a great deal on replacement parts. Meepo sells the trucks with the mount for $259 and the wheel set up for $169 however I asking $200 for everything. I am in central NH and can ship anyplace in the country. Contact me and I can send you pictures of everything, if you need to set the purchase up on a site like offer for purchase protection that’s fine just let me know. You can get ahold of me at dajaduke1972 at gmail dot com if that makes sense.

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