New focbox unity wont turn on

Do you know which specific cells make up the 12s2p configuration?


That’s like saying

“What car do you have?”

“The one with 4 wheels”


Hahaahah Im sorry. its the 346 wh one

China companies are notorious for leaving that information out.

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Yeah goddamn all they say on their website is 21700, but it looks like they’re using 40T in the G3 plus battery and 30T in the regular G3 battery

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I hear

“a car wth 4 wheels”

“the one that holds 15 gallons of fuel”

When we’re asking what make and model it is.


Hmm should i email them for more info?

I found it, refer here

Granted this is 2 years old so it could be outdated, but this is what I’m looking at as key information:


Yeah looks like it says max output is 70a and i put it at 80a…


Yep! Multiply the individual cell’s max rated current (found on google) and multiply by the amount of P groups in your pack. That’s my rule of thumb for battery max amps

So what can i do from here

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Honestly I don’t know. The “new” focbox unity is notorious for having shit QC so you could have gotten a bad unit, in which case you’re pretty much fucked. I would try to short the 2 pins Brian (@b264) told you to and see if that turns it on. Drop your battery max for next time though


Ok I still have no clue how to do that. Could you help explain how to put the 2 moms together

Put some sort of conductor touching the two pins and only those two pins detailed in the picture Brian sent. A thin screwdriver should do the trick. Anyone who has a better method for shorting pins is free to jump in here, I’ve only done this on applications outside of ESCs so don’t want to give information that wouldn’t apply to a unity.


The easiest way is to simply plug in the switch that should have come with the Unity.

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Yeah it did not work. I am going to see if I can warranty it since its brand new. What kind of vesc should i get in the future instead of the unity? Thanks for all the help

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Xenith for same price point, Stormcore 60D for quality control, good CS, and good QC.


Remove the silicone cover and check if this component has a burn mark on it


Have you checked to make sure your battery isn’t dead? If you overdid it on the battery settings, thats probably the issue. Does the board charge? Do you have a multimeter to check voltages?