Dammit, I need to stop being so trigger happy ordering things just bc they’re cheap. I read this:
And understood it as you could swap the same tubes between different size tires no problem.
Well now I have 10 200x50 tubes #neverrunout
Dammit, I need to stop being so trigger happy ordering things just bc they’re cheap. I read this:
And understood it as you could swap the same tubes between different size tires no problem.
Well now I have 10 200x50 tubes #neverrunout
Haha they’ll get used I’m sure
Finally finished all the wire extensions, bullet soldering, heat shrinking, sensor wire crimping, gland installation, and silicon-ing.
I had the wrong size polyester cable sleeve, so I gave up after a few frustrating minute of trying to forcefully thread all the motor wires through. I probably could’ve made it work if not for the larger solder bulges. I’ll try the 0.75" dia when it shows up next week.
As I discovered - order of operations when shoving 3 phase wires + sensor wire through a PG11 gland is very important.
This avoids any tearing of the heat shrink and minimizes damage to the sensitive wire crimps
Foot pad wire channels could be a smidge wider, but they work. Will enlarge in the next revision.
Waiting for the silicone to dry a bit, and then first power up!
As is tradition, first power up was at 2am. I barely missed my Jan 1 goal to start off the new year on a high. After a couple nail-biter rounds of VESC Tool, where things did not sound like these should, some Davega troubleshooting, and some Hoyt Puck setting adjustment, it was time to take this thing outside!
In the wild:
A few thoughts:
Lastly, now trying out the other experimental part of this build - #fuckBMS @BenjaminF
Nothing ground-breaking, but the BMS now lives attached to the charger. No reason to lug it around 24/7 when its only used briefly. This little BMS wiring harness worked out great. No charge fuse. No charge port. No loopkey. This battery has one XT90s, that’s it.
Hell yeah
Unphhhh it’s like peanut butter and jelly every time I step on that combo.
I’m all about this build
Ps I might have skipped over it but what bushing combo are you running? It looks like red rear from photos.
The skin, the footpads, the color coordination - I’m digging it This build has excellent vibes
@robedude hooked up me with this gently used set (appreciate it!) so they’ve got his red rear orange front.
I’d like to get a set of yellows when they’re back in stock and shift everything over. I want to see how loose i can handle.
But the trucks are probably real sloppy right now. I didn’t crank down any of the fasteners much. In fact, i need to figure out how to correctly set up the matrix iis and the f5s. The bindings were a bit odd - not super comfortable or tight enough to inspire confidence.
I’m pretty sure your bindings are on backwards. The point of the diamond on the logo should be towards your toes. @Venom121212 can you confirm?
@sleepless if I’m right, then that should fix your problem.
Edit: actually the longer I look at that picture, the more wrong it looks. You are standing in your bindings backwards.
Good looking out. It’s a little confusing in the photo bc i have the heel straps rotated up and above toe straps. But if you look, there’s two logos. The lower one is the toe strap, and its diamond is pointed towards my toes.
(I’m also goofy, if that makes this orientation more confusing lol)
Edit: now I’m questioning myself. Here’s the install guide. I may have them on backwards. Shit that would actually be great, because the nanuk latches get in the way of the F5 latches right now.
Yep, i think you’re right. Awesome!
Yep this is totally correct, I was looking at the wrong logo. In that case, then my only complaint with your picture is that you are standing backwards in your bindings, which it seems like you have realized
Well… i just realized I have the entire board backwards.
Somehow i thought everything was symmetric and reversible when i started.
It’s just a bunch of unfastening and refastening… except the dragon will now face backwards and upside down. Damnit @BenjaminF
Seems like we’re all sorted here but yep the, mbs logo should be readable to all your fans. Though I like the diamond tip pointing out method of explanation better.
Shitty to have to rotate everything 180° but the finish line is in sight!
Everything flipped! Thanks guys for looking out. This binding orientation makes way more sense. Discovered my front truck was on backwards during the uninstall too.
Will need to revise the footpad asap. It no longer fits.
i thought you had board backwards on purpose, i was like different folks different strokes like. but your bindings are still wrong. you need to rotate them 180
I swear these bindings are a seeing eye puzzle. I had the heel straps rotated up. Here’s them down:
Ratchets on the outside of the toe strap. Ratchets on the inside of the heel strap. Don’t know why, but I’m 90% sure this is correct:
This thought did cross my mind. Instead of pressing your feet inwards to hold tight, you’d press outwards. Could work. But in the end, I think the way the pads are made this wouldn’t work well. When I had them backwards they didn’t feel great.
@Venom121212 it looks like you have both ratchets on the same side. Do you prefer this way / any issues?
For real
Lmao I went through this too at the beginning, I followed a leewright vid or something to put them in right
I kept banging my enclosure box when ratcheting the heel straps so I flipped them around and they felt the exact same that way.
Feels more natural to me to undo the bindings on the outside of the feet than to reach on the inside of them.
Solid! I might do the same