Need Some Help, Still Learning

Pictures please. Old or new.

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I’m not googling some girl from years ago so that you can fap over her Tim :joy:


That’s exactly what I want you to do.


All my rear mounted mounted motors have been extremely well protected vs inwards, the difference is night and day, however this has nothing to do with position of motors but with the ground clearance, if you mount the motors outwards closer to the ground it might not keep them safe, however most motor mounts are pretty short and you end having no choice but to keep them pretty low or they will hit the tail of the deck. P

This is why I decided to make custom motor mounts for my build, they sit pretty high, even higher than the surface of the deck, this gives a Racing car look with a madmax remembrance


Yeah this is why I said some people’s experience might be different, on my friend’s board, the end of his board is pretty long, so you have no choice but to keep the mounts pretty low (TB mounts) and the motors end up still getting some rocks hitting them

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I had this exact same issue with my Century, the motors were messed up after 5 months, I had to replace them, when I wanted to mount them outwards it was impossible without hitting the tail, custom motor mounts are the way to go in this case, 120-130mm between centers minimum, some idlers and you are good to go with a killer look