Need help with vesc setting

ok this makes sense, i need the basics, Im new to all of this. how do i change the duty cycle. how does that work?

The safest course is not to limit speed in the software but rather via gear ratio/voltage/tire size/kv.

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If this info is correct, you are already at a 30-35mph top speed limited by your setup not software settings. (Inflated tire diameter may be larger than 155mm)


Ah thank you guys I am learning so much : )

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I’ve done it safely.

Heu… i read on other thread to set the focbox unity to 60 000 erpm max and set limit duty cycles to 85%. This still implies even though erpm max at lower figures is dangerous? Thanks.

What thread?

Search is cool dude…

Instructions unclear, penis caught in door

Really pulling for you…

I just re-checked the search topic and I read too fast the comments, it was for propeller boards. Oops. Me bad.

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