My integrated deck project continues | Test monkeys found

These decks look incredible.

Big fan of the landyachtz Wrecktangle, even bigger fan of that short/fat deck. Would be the perfect for a FWD lightweight setup.

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I am always in need of new MTB style decks.


Great work!


I would be happy to test this one if it fits
40T 12s4p, 2x NeoBox v6


Really would like to try and build out that kicktail deck. Have a couple parts arriving this week and will have enough to do another complete (4th) build I could do some testing on for you. Been wanting a deck with a cavity too and got cells to build a battery accordinly for the space too. LMK. I ride min 20 miles a day typically unless raining, but I live in socal so that;s where. Love the work, look forward to getting to be one of the people to give you feedback on this @tomiboi


You gonna be busy @tomiboi! :joy:

These look amazing dude, can only imagine how many hours of hard work went into these.

I have way too much already going to be able to test one of these, but if anybody in Aus is gonna get one I can help out with the battery build :call_me_hand:


Everything has a home :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you all for your interest. If testing goes well, I’ll make revisions and get onto a batch for anybody who would like to buy one. I have a pile of bamboo coming in at the end of April, so I won’t have to do a pre-sale or anything. I’ll just start putting together batches of the decks that people want and sending them out. After testers get the first decks, I’m interested to see what they perceive the value as. I’m open-minded about that, but I gotta get mine. You know what I’m sayin’?


Just thinking out loud:

Have a strip of ferrous metal down the center of the battery compartment. That way, 3d printed spacer can just have a magnet hold on the other end and be magnetized in place. This is under the assumption that the majority of the force is supporting the lid and not keeping the battery in place.

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Here’s what I’m thinking right now. I can mill light weight balsa spacers that can be the same dimensions as popular battery cells. They can just be super-glued into place, or they could be included right inside of a custom battery pack. Then I’m going to super reinforce the lid. I did 6 oz fiber glass on the AT and freestyle lids here. I’ll upgrade that to 10 oz on all of the boards.


I’m all for giving the option of where to place the spacers to the end user


tbh you should just tell us who all has them so we can give them mad shit if they don’t put abusive amounts of miles on them :wink:

I’m definitely interested in at least two styles of this deck, so I want to see things come to fruition.


I have the last one and already have a full build paid for on it

10s2p hg6 battery

Single haggyboard motor drive on senor pepe wheels

Awesome little cruiser build


who ended up with the AT? super curious about their plans for it!



Not everyone’s got nothing to do but assemble a complete working board in 2-3 days.

Unfair criticism here IMO.


Can you build batteries?


I mean he is a kid during a pretty much world wide lock down…


@tomiboi any chance we could have a list of who got the decks?
If you dont wanna tell us then that’s fine too, guess we’ll know soon enough


the prerequisites


as the images were downloading (intenret sucks so bad I was thinking … please have a tail… please have a tail :slight_smile:

I would love to test one of those , would love to experiment see what wheels it will take.

And you rekindled my mini AT with a tail future build thoughts again :slight_smile:

EDIT: I gota move this over

Ooof @Halbj613 is getting run through the ringer…

If you are a tester, please make sure them belts are on tight


I am one of the testers.

Drop street deck

Got everything waiting and much more scattered around the house.

Hopefully I can do all you guys proud : )

To start let me know what you guys are interested in knowing so I can plan for when the deck arrives.

For reference Im
5’ 11" (1.8m)
155lbs (70kg)
Heavy carver
Fast rider
Rough roads
Will put it through some stuff.