My Esk8s. A journal of sorts

Nasty surprise there. Glad you’re mostly okay.


this was a dandy.
it always amazes me at how fast it all happens…

when I was dancing on my board out of control I had no clue why…
and boom I’m on the ground and the board is 15 ft away.

but the way I fell was really totally new to me…

Still sitting on ice.
reclining is ok. standing and waking is ok.

the transition from reclining to standing super sucks…


I clipped a bridge abutment with a wheel on a turn, fell backwards onto my deck and broke it, all within sight of a pretty girl.

Body was fine, pride took 100 damage.


Fuck bro. Hopefully not that bad for your butt :partying_face:
Heal up soon bro.
All best wishes.

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Yeah…a friend of mine expierienced something similar. Watching juicy butts often leads to pain in many ways :sweat_smile:


Placeholder 666


rough today.
falling is dumb.
falling without gear is dumber…

Reclining on ice…
Taking drugs…
Being mad…

The shame of it all is how gorgeous and perfect today is for riding and I am not gonna go out.

Maybe I will get some tinkering done and give my knees a needed break.


Since I am laying around and mostly slacking I should try to do some catching up on stuff I have been doing.

About a month or so ago I started a new job in my some company.
I am now a Forecast Analyst( was a marketing guy)

The exciting part is that it is 100% WFH.

I was going into the office 3 times a week before that and it sucked…

So. I don’t have to drive anymore.
I dont have to put on stupid polo shirts anymore.

And it frees up time for the kids and esk8.

I also got excited about actually setting up my office space and set up a museum wall with the decks of the first 4 esk8s I got.

The Acton Blink
The Metroboard Micro Slim
The Evolve Bamboo GT
And the Wowgo 2S

The office is also a nice spot for stretching and doing my Physical Therapy exercises

I have grandious plans that in the summer I will get up early and go on early morning rides before the kids get up…
let’s check back on that later…


so back to esk8.

The Demonseed DKP got rocked.
and now it is back together.

As per usual the path to get there meandered a little bit…

I think I left off where I was sanding the replacement Demonseed.

then I stained it and sprayed on some polyurethane…

I am quite happy with the stain.
pretty sweet to me.

So I then wanted to slap some Lucid on there.

so did that.
similar to recent times…

So now I was ready to slap parts back together.

A few nights earlier I had decided I wanted to go from the 85 Caguamas, to the 100 TB wheels with the goal of mounting the trucks drop through and not top mounted…

I think drop through looked nicer…

So I went on to slap it all together, and got it done and took it out late that night…

And despite the fact that I have slapped parts together a thousand times now… this thing was all fucked up and had to be rebuilt.

Clearance did not work - has to be top mounted…
Lucid was pealing off - Previous coat of Polyurethane must be a problem.
4 of the 8 enclosure inserts were put in too wide. So I had to redo them…

So yeah.
The board I had Just rebuilt, needs a rebuild…


I’m super impressed that you are back to riding already after a spill like that.


So let’s rebuild the rebuild…

Scraping the Lucid off was easy, it really did not stick…

Next up was top mounting…

I was super lazy about redoing the inserts, drilled them out… put some plastic bonder in there, and new holes just next to them…

And I had just gotten some Jessup grip tape in the mail to have around and decided to just slap it on there so i could ride this thing…

oh, funny thing, started off with the more grayish Blue Caguamas, and realized it would look better with some that were more black to match the grip tape…

so yeah,
here it is.

I have taken it out on a few excursions, and have been riding it in front of the house while watching the kids.

And I really love this thing. It is so divey and so surfy, and I get so low on my carves and it is just so different.
It is the only set up that does not feel super stiff after riding the Pint X.

So, stoked on how it rides and how it looks.
I do think I want to upgrade the battery maybe, from the 10s4P 30Q to maybe a 12s3P P42A,
Maybe, not sure.


nope. not riding today.
probably not this week.
oddly enough riding may not hurt.
standing and walking feel fine…
sitting is the real bummer…


oh you got the job! congrats!

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Yep. It is great to transition and leave the old stress behind and be in this limbo learning stage without a ton of new stress yet.
Pretty stoked.
Yesterday around 10 I needed a stretch and went and rode the Pint in front of the house for 15 minutes or so…

Onto more exciting Esk8 updates.

The Gravel Flux/Tow truck is on the bench.

Getting new trucks, gears, and motors.

These are all really nice parts, and I am pumped.

I wonder how much the extra width changes the ride feel…

I got the deck decently cleaned up.

I had to take the whole thing apart due to my super clever and convenient extended wires set up…

slapping new tires on the back.

I totally love how the BN gears come together.
such neat parts.

I don’t have it wired up, need to make cable extensions, but here is how it is gonna look!!!


So my current goals are:

Finish up the Gravel Flux(this is close, could be today even)

Get back to work on the Flux battery(long ways to go)

Convince my wife to let me buy the OneWheel GT… ( super long ways to go)


Ahhh I need to practice that, looks like exactly the combination of useful and fun that I want. Did you learn on regular street skateboards or longboards? I’ve done a very basic bit of sliding on a longboard and it’s obviously a bit harder with more mass and bigger wheels, but I can never properly control the little popsicle boards

Dude, for me power slides was on 80s street decks, with fairly large, but hard wheels.
The neighborhood I grew up in, in Brazil, was super hilly, and we had some awesome hilss to bomb.

I probably learned power slides before ollies… I think.

And then it translated to regular popsicle decks and use to always be good at them.

before Esk8 I had never ridden a longboard.

Since I have some laying around now as analog I have pondered trying to slide them, but they are so different I don;t think i can do it.

but the posicle deck came back to me like riding a bike… I was surprised actually.


Ahhh cool, I think I’m gonna try and up my skills on a friend’s sliding longboard before I go buying more stuff but street boards do seem much better suited to it. I’ve had fun on some 65mm slide wheels, but more as a way of stopping than slowing down, not a lot of control or ability to keep the line going after


Oh dude, i feel your pain from here :people_hugging:

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