Mountainboard deck options

Definitely has flex. Got nice pop for curb jumps

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3 years later… Where we at?

  • Haero is a big deck player now.
  • @tomiboi pressing some cool stuff (feel free to edit wiki above with your goods)
  • Lacroix has one or 2 more offerings sort of (not sold separately iirc?)

MBS is going to release a new deck not so soon but looks promising.


@NullBlox makes decks but not seen him around much,
good decks too


I hope it will be something more like the old MBS Pro 100 than the newer MBS Pro 97 :pray:


I’m looking to build a lighter weight commuter plus weekend basher when I’m not in the mood to use my long distance board.
What are your opinions of this deck as a base?


Thanks for the recommendation @Soulsled

Stop past and check out my blog folks, there’s a video walkthrough with some flex and jump testing at the end… Am I allowed to quote my own words :crazy_face:

After spending many years riding and enjoying the various types of mountain boards from different manufacturers, I set myself the goal to come up with something truly unique. Not only in looks but also in weight and flex. Lucky represents the end result of my passion to create something a little different in an otherwise crowded space.

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What’s the mountain board deck situation like these days? I realized I have enough spare parts laying around, I can get an MTB build going if I pick up a deck and trucks (thinking thr new propel trucks might be cool to play with).

@tomiboi and @CannoliRoller have been pumping out some tasty custom decks

@MBS new Dylan Warren Pro III looks super clean

@Haeroboards and @ApexBoards had a baby and made a sick looking board as well


@glyphiks What’s your thoughts on this deck (other than more flexy) I just picked one up

Never actually rode it properly, probably would have been great analog, maybe too flexy for electric

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Sick okay, should be just what I need then a little bit more flexy than what I have

That deck looks sexy. I want one.

Contact ZFG and Michael who is an awesome bloke can sort you out for sure. @tech.shit