Hello guys
Im wondering if VESC can drive 2 phase motors like common 4 wires bipolar stepper motors, i searched a bit but it seems there is no useful information, or i used wrong keywords, not sure so I jumped here seeking experts knowledge
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Curious. What motors are you planning on using?
I think ODrive is the preferred motor controller platform for steppers.
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Well , i saw this post before asking and i was a bit uncomfortable in coding or editing and uploading new firmware, i thought there is a feature to enable this , or a firmware update i can simply use
Im testing different motor builds and designs , its kinda childhood dream , now im testing 2 phase motor
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I mean um building motor and testing them on dyno
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Thats an interesting suggestion , but if i was successful and i wanted to upscale the motor power the driver only provide max 4kw , and im aiming for 15kw
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