Motor trade 6374 ..... 90-130 kv <-> for TB 6374 190kv [EU] [TRADE]

Hey guys, so I got inspired by @ahrav and I am looking for someone to swap motors with. I have got 190kv TB motors but that is a too high kv for what I am riding at ±35 kmh.

I am looking for someone with 90-130 kv motors. 140kv will also do but the lower the better. My motors have been used for around 600km So definitely not looking for new ones. Although I am willing to pay a bit extra if yours are newer. Mine have minor scrapes and work fine. I run one sensored and one uncensored. I have no idea if the sensor of the uncensored one works. I have been running them both sensored but my FESC (cheap aliexpress) one) was stuttering, so I unplugged it. Now runs smooth as butter. Hit me up if you want tot trade.
Oh yeah before i forget. One has a older version logo on it. Motor is the exact same also in operation. But that’s an aesthetic thing

Dont mind the ugly ductape box hhaha. Its my second love besides esk8’ing :wink:

Anyone interested?

Trade only:)?

Thats my preference yeah, why?

arent those tires mounted backwards ? it seems like the tread will push the water inwards to the center of the tire - but thats my uneducated guess

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Your right hahah. But my board isnt waterproof so I dont have an issue with watter getting shot at my feet :smiley:

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i ment because most likely you will lose traction much easier in the wet, but if you dont ride then i guess it doesnt matter that much :man_shrugging:

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If the price is right I’ld consider them :slight_smile:

Yeah sorry man I am looking to trade them. Thought you meant that I bought some of you with an added cost on my part. But I am not looking to sell them.

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Anyone? :slight_smile:

I have two recently decommissioned 100Kv 6374 motors. I would much prefer a higher Kv


Ah cool which motors have you got? I am located in the EU so I dont know what shipping will cost bit it might end up being like 40 euro’s or something. I dont know if you are okay with that?

What brand

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Some pics would be nice :slight_smile:. I looked through your profile but couldn’t find a pic of them @b264

They are old Metroboard motors, an older model of these. Probably a custom from Shenzhen SAITE Motor Co, these are the closest ones I can find with a quick search, except they are of the “sealed” type

Oh there is a third one in a drawer somewhere with no electrical problems, but with seized bearings. It could easily be brought back to life if someone wanted to tinker with it.

Sorry that won’t do it for me. I had some contact with the guys from SAITE a while ago. They would sell me 2 motors for 120$ incl shipping so me trading my TB74 motors would be a bad deal. Thanks anyway

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