Motor not spinning freely, feels like its constantly slightly braking

Haha, I’m working on my fiberglass enclosure right now, taking my time, not gonna rush it.
Thanks bud, I got into DIY esk8 to try and save money and now I’ve spent more on it than any hobby I’ve ever had so I guess we don’t know what we sign up for but definitely get roped up into it :sweat_smile:


Same haha. 4 years ago I thought “hey that’s cool I bet I can make one for cheap” Now here I am in the rabbit hole sitting on about 4 boards worth of parts and haven’t even ridden an esk8 in 2 years :man_facepalming: Just pushing and spending for me I guess lol


I’m on my 3rd board in just about a year. I feel like the vendors out something in their products to make us addicted, I’ve never been so roped into such an expensive hobby before lmao


True. Probably crack or MSG

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