Motor mount for Trampa trucks (Infinity/Vertigo) & Hypa Pulleys

Hey guys,

I’m an engineer from Germany and I developed a dual motor mount for Trampa spring trucks. Looks like this:

  • truck adapter ring and rods from 7075 aluminium
  • motor plate from stainless steel
  • fits 63 motors up to 10mm shaft
  • adjustable mounting angle
  • dual idlers for high gearing reduction

I have 4 sets for sale but can produce them again if the interest is there. Unfortunately I cannot run the latest version my own because I’m still waiting for the right belts…

But latest prototype looks like this:

Changes from there to the final version:

  • length of the motor plate reduced by 10mm
  • motor plate a bit thinner

Some more pictures of the mount:

Also I designed some pulleys for the Hypa wheel. Looks like this:


  • variable size (everything from 64T up is possible.
  • 60mm M4 screws to use with the original nuts
  • meant for 15mm belts but wider wouldn’t be a problem
  • printed with PLA+

The files for the pulleys will be available on thingiverse soon. If you need someone to print, I can to that for you :wink:


  • 125€ for the complete motor mount with idlers (including all hardware)
  • 15€ per Hypa pulley (including screws and washers)

Message me for your desired gearing, I might have the right belts for you as well!



The plates on your mounts look very thin what’s there thickness?

The thickness is 4mm. I tried 5mm but this is overkill, too heavy. Many people use these cutouts after the adapter ring to save weight. But for bending this is the weakest point, so you want to have as much material as possible. These cutouts are not the smartest move imo. If you use one solid part you need it to be thicker because of the the mounting at the truck and the grub screws. Trust me this part is rock solid! (There are even commonly used mounts with thinner plates)

Version 3 is here! :slight_smile:

Upgrades which were made:

  • new idler system consisting just of bearings
  • bigger cutout for APS motors


Would like to ask sime question but somehow the i cannot see an option to send msg.

I sent you a message. Can you reply to that? Otherwise just ask here or message me on insta (same name).

Customer here just to voice my opinion of the motor mounts after a year of use.

They’ve been great.

Was one of the first adopters back at 2019 summer when @Marsl187 offered them back on the forums. He shipped me V2 mounting plates after I discussed/discovered a design flaw on the V1s and they’ve been excellent since. Haven’t used idlers on my setup. Simple but working design, not much to go wrong, good materials.

Recommend for old style trampa MTB trucks (infinity/vertigo without the CNC’d ends), but I don’t doubt they wouldn’t work with the CNC’d end as well.


I am loving these mounts and would like to buy some for my second hand AT esk8. I am new to this forum, and cannot seem to DM you, sorry. Perhaps that doesn’t work on the phone. Do you still sell these?

This thread is quite old. Bit up @IDEA if op doesn’t respond


Van u email me id like one please