Motor detection - different results for each motor

Hi. I messed up one of my 6384 motors and until I buy a new set i mounted my old ones. When running detection, with/without wheels, one motor has the motor R triple the value of the other one, how safe it is to run them, and what can I do to identify the issue? Bearings have been changed, rolling by hand is similar on both.

If you swap which side of the ESC the motors are connected to, does it swap the detection results?

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Changed motor sides, results are different, yes.

One motor definitely looks suspicious, like it only has half the strands connected but is otherwise okay. Which means if you used it, it might get hotter than it should, or might provide less power than it should.

But more concerning is why are the numbers off? Are windings going to break while you’re riding it? That could be dangerous.

Also check your connections. Are the solder joints cold? You can post photos of the solder joints if you want to. This could easily be caused by a bad solder connection. On the motor side of the swap, not the ESC side.


I will open them up when Ill get some free time and post the photos. Thanks!