Modifying prebuilt junk, in stages, to be less junk like.

A few newer high end communities inland saw upto 18 inches of Rain from Debby, and are still pretty well flooded, and nearest outflow to the sea from there is a creek just south of Fiona’s watering hole.

Lots of garbage and broken Foliage drifting by, and the lunar tide charts do not accurately represent the actual water levels I am seeing in the bay.

Kinda nasty brown water too.

Fiona’s Chariot got a little modification yesterday with a wider grab handle, whose arms leave the base at a slightly lower angle.

I can hold the chariot off to the side far easier now, useful when there is debris for the wheels to lift up and throw at her.

It can be refined a lot more for looks and weight reduction, but neither bother me enough to expend the effort at this point.

Registering and insuring my vehicle ate up all my funds, so no New ESC anytime soon, even if I had decided what to order.

so freaking tragic bro… just glad fam is :ok_hand:. do u want a focbox i will send it to u free.


Yeah, there is likely several hundred homes, and thousands of vehicles a bit inland with pretty severe flood damage.

FEMA recently changed where the ‘flood zones’ were, and since flood insurance, along with homeowners insurance has increased 200% + in the last few years round these parts, many chose to drop their mortgage lender mandated flood insurance as soon as they could, and are now screwed.

I have two OG Enertion single drive focboxes, but one has that distinct smoked electronics smell, so I’ve not investigated employing them

I saw two could not fit my existing enclosure’s heatsink, so was mentally designing that area on the next enclosure, which could.

You talking a focbox unity, or an OG single drive to supplant my stinky one?

Either way, I’d be a fool to turn down such an offer.

I don’t know if my hub motors will work with vesc, but one day plan on a belt or gear drive build with pneumatics.

We’d love to be able to roll the crushed shell trail to the watering hole.

Fiona occasionally has sore paw pads and decides to ride inside let me tow her across the shells while I carry esk8.

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The beautiful thing about vesc is pretty much any motor works with it. A unity would probably solve a lot of your issues. If I were you I’d take it. (I need one too but you got the offer)

DM me whenever

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TJ’s offer is for a single OG foc Box, not a unity.

I have two OG focboxes that arza sent me.

One of them has that distinct burnt electronics smell, the other has it too, but to a much lesser degree.

Since they will not fit to my enclosure’s heatsink, without major modifications to it, I have not tested them, or pursued employing them, at this point.

I have tons of questions on hooking them together, but will not ask, yet.

I just opened the focboxes up, and cannot see any obvious fried component on either side of the PCB which might be making that unsettling stank.

Future enclosures that I build are going to have larger heatsinks, that will accept any dual drive esc, or two singles, but that could be a ways off.

The heatsink in my enclosure was located and designed and built for the ‘puaida’/Lingyi ESC on the right and to possibly squeeze 10s 3p of 21700’s inside at a later date.

I know now, that that size battery would never fit though. 10s3p of 21700s is a pipe dream in this enclosure and honestly, I have enough range with 10s2p of 2600mah 15 amp 18650’s on smooth flat Florida asphalt.

Being able to secure the Fsesc 6.6 mini and ebay lingyi cockroach between the vertical studs on this heatsink, was just luck.

I’d love to get the FSesc 6,6 mini powering my hub motors, but when I last tried, and failed, I had a back up board to ride that kept me sane, mostly, I think.
Hard to tell.

That backup board is now down and was too slow to properly scratch the incurable itch.

I don’t want to disassemble a functioning board, without a back up.

Not for a maybe.

A new 110$ 2024 ‘puaida’ ESC would require me to xt90 and MR60 it, easily attach it to heatsink, then plug and play and good enough, far better than Ebay lingyi nuclear cockroach anyway.

I could likely spend 70$ and get another pre2024 Puaida esc with weak ass brakes, and pair my remote to it, but That possibility assumes that my previous Puaida ESC is faulty, not the remote.

Ideally, I’d make a real board that does not need to fit inside my kayak’s hatch.

One with pneumatics which opens up the areas I could ride locally, but are too uncomfortable, or too dangerous for 90mm urethane.

That board is even further away from realization than my imagined backup.

If my Lingyi cockroach fails, The Fsesc 6.6mini will immediately be returned to enclosure, and hopefully my hub motors will not sound like microwave popcorn popping, after running detection.

But if I fail again, then I need a back up ESC ready to employ, so I can tow this sweet, fluffy 11 year old goofball, at least 50 miles a week.


Looks like Fiona’s watering hole is off limits for a while, as is the kayak.

The water quality today was just freaking nasty. Brown and toxic smelling, not sewage like, but chemical. Garbage and broken tree limbs everywhere.

As if all the thousands of flooded garages inland spilled all their toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, various automotive fluids, and septic tanks, and now it has made it down the creek into the inter coastal waterway.

A passing boat kicked up some aerosols which made my eyes water and my breathe short, and we evacuated.

I had gotten my legs wet, as did Fiona, and my skin there started tingling and burning, and still does not feel right, 12 hours later.

We jogged the 1/4 mile crushed shell trail in the insane heat and humidity, full throttled back, scrubbed off twice, and I gave her an overdue haircut and bathed her again, but my feet and ankles still tingle and feel like they are burnt where they touched the nasty chemical ass water.

I imagine water quality even at the one legal Dog beach on the Gulf a half hour drive south, is also pretty poor, and She does not like that beach. Too many faster dogs to steal her ball, and all she wants is to retrieve it without interference, and place it in my hand.

I’ve been doing some searches, looking into how to connect the two OG focboxes together via canbus or pwm or split PPM and how to hook my receiver to them, and make a loopkey work with them, and if that were what I needed to do in order to esk8 again, I’d likely be having a tool throwing temper tantrum.

Am glad the damn Lingyi cockroach ESC is just plug and play and simple, making the case for ignorance being bliss, and hating myself for it.

thats very hard to hear. im sorry man

It would be worse to own/rent one of the flooded homes, but yea, the water hole runs were a source of joy for us, and it could be a long while before water quality is acceptable again.
I wish Fiona liked going in the pool. I can command her to go onto the step, but no way she jumps in after the ball.

The Tv lit up with warnings from emergency broadcast system about water contact, due to 3 million gallon of untreated sewage spill.

Seems like a pretty late warning.

Fiona seems to be enjoying her new Hairdo here in the park.

We could never deal with the Heat, if forced to walk here, so it’s very much appreciated to be able to roll here instead.

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Most of the camera shaking is from out of balance, out of round 200x50 Clever tires. Gets bad above 20 mph.

Probably 800+ miles on Fiona’s chariot. I miss having the odometer on remote

Second set of 6000 bearings, but no flats yet.

Thinking about 9" tires


If I move the chariot’s handle bit too violently side to side underway, Fiona will lay back down, but she has excellent balance, and leans into turns.

I do have plans on a chariot with better side bolsters, but, I have more plans than time…


I swapped chariot wheels to my better pair of low mile 200x50mm Clever pneumies, and it rides so much smoother now.

I need to refine this super basic axle platform past purely functional, now that I know what’s important after towing Fiona 800+ miles in it.

Would like a more square profile tire to sink into grass, and crushed shell trail to a lesser degree.

I do however enjoy how quiet these are, with that solid center tread stripe.

Could easily go bigger too, but over 10" then difficulty getting into Kayak hatch.

I’ve never tried to balance or perhaps recenter these tires on the rim.

These tires are not as wide as the rims, Is that kinda of standard?

200 x 75’s possible?

Did a little chariot tuning.

I extended the dual yoke about 18", and used an Marine Teak flagpole as a wider dual handle.

The top ball of the flagpole acts as a great offset handle, which allows me to position Fiona out in undisturbed air, with an unobstructed view forward, off to my right, which she really seems to appreciate.

We did a test run around the block, and Fiona decided she was not getting out of the chariot, while I put away all the tools and cleaned up.

I should likely have not ordered these 8x3-4 turf tires, and tubes for them.

I hope my rims are wide enough.

I believe @alankerr has employed these tires at one point.


looks great, i wonder if you need guard rails in case of a unexpected pot hole

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The plastic underbed box/basket in which she sits is destined for replacement with something with taller sides.

The hanger is so wide at 26.5"/ 67.3cm.
It is really stable, and the longer yokes now also adds some stability as does wider handle.

I do carve when towing. She is sure footed, with a low center of gravity.

A fire hydrant with short legs


I keep seeing reports how nasty the water is, pollution wise, so we hit this park at least twice a day, or more, instead.

The taller the grass grows, the more difficult it becomes to pull the chariot well away from the parking lot.

Gotta let this goofball do the happy sheepdog sentry thing in the grass.

Trying to justify the ~55$ I spent on the wider flatter turf tires, as a need rather than a want, I guess.

I do like the new teak chariot handles. More comfortable, more control.


gma just said she saw some peeps swimming out there. :skull::skull:

World’s cheapest Vevor branded analog mountainboard rims.

44.70mm wide
95.82 mm inner diameter
10 mm wide lip

came with

200x50 clever tires
6000-2rs bearing

8x3-4 cheng shin turf tire arrives tomorrow

8x3-4 “HD” tubes to arrive 4 days later.

Kinda thinking existing tubes will work.

Coud wait
I guess.

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I didn’t wait.

The 8x3-4 turf tires looked all asymmetric and lumpy out of the box.

The ‘flat’ part of the tread had a V in it, the apex closest to the red and green stripes.

I mounted them using existing corn starched tubes and inner tires, trying to center them as best as possible, kneading the side walls, adding psi in short bursts up to 30.

I was unimpressed with the wobble and out of round. I loaded Fiona and went cruising.

The Noise of the tread is not nearly as loud as feared, but I could feel the chariot wobbling and bouncing again, and see the wobble and out of round, at speed.

Fiona seemed a bit disappointed.

I took them apart again, and lightly cornstarched them again, and reassembled again, slowly adding pressure and kneading, but this time, using my urethane wheels spinning 30 mph to get Pneumie wheels going as fast, then moving edge of urethane to pneumie rim instead of tire and getting even more rpm’s and centrifugal force. Lose some PSI, knead, add some PSI, spin to max speed again.

It seemed like every time I did this the wobble and out of round lessened a bit more.

I put my weight on the chariot, then said F it, and pulled 10S enclosure and rear truck from midsize, and installed them on the long cruiser.

Holy eee crap, I forgot how much fun this board is. I only powered it with the 350 watt 83mm hub motors before, not these 400watt -90’s. I went several miles warming them up, carving progressively harder, and the wobble and out of round kept diminishing as the confidence and fun started soaring.

I stopped then removed tubes again, rotated them within the tire, reinflated and spun them up past 30mph in ~5 psi stages to 35. then reduced them t 18 PSi and took them for another spin.


The little wobble and out of round remaining, are acceptable, and I can’t feel them underfoot, at least upto 24mph.

How ridiculous is this?

With the enclosure much further away from rear truck, and front truck, and at an angle to oncoming air at speed, The airflow through the heatsink fins must greatly be increased, as even though I am going way faster, the heatsink stays cooler than going slower on my kayakable midsize.