Been working on making a DIY race specific board for the mini pev games after attending last year.
Lots of hurdles since initial rules changed a bit, but got it all together. Just waiting on foam to help with weatherproofing + less squashed wires (it’s pretty packed).
Lots of ppl/companies to thank. OMW helped with the esc, motors, and remote. Icloudwheels with the wheels & pulley, Spiderbatterysystems for the battery, & bustin boards with the deck.
Grabbed a deck from bustin. Decent price for what I was after, and they were great to interact with. I messed up drilling the first 2 inserts. Thankfully I had someone who could help with the rest. Definitely going to practice more with installing them before my next build.
Electronics all packed together. Pretty much at max capacity. A few wires are stacked a bit to tall. Foam gasket will help with that. Spider did a great job getting the wires to length for this tight space.
Who needs clearance when on a track? Reverse mounted motors and some icloudwheels. Hoping these will hold up well on the indoor track. Mad105s, 125, and radiums 125 in considering for next year. These meepo 3 links pretty wide for smaller wheels. We’ll see how they end up on such a tight track. Might be my downfall.
She’s alive!
Let’s work on making it a bit pretty. (Originally I was going to use a bustin enclosure, but I ended up needing more power/bigger battery)
Top view. I want to replace the griptape, but hate to hide bustins logo.
Bottem view looks great. I’ll need to zip the motor wires to bash gaurd, but I’ll reduce them for next year.