Metr Pro US group buy

Thank you for helping out with this! It looks easier if everyone uses your form instead of my spreadsheet :+1:

We are overwhelmed with the interest, it will take some time before we have the modules. But approximate plan is to finish the list when we get email replies from everyone who ordered before and still waiting for shipping to refund their orders (maximum one week), then collect group buy payments (maximum one week) then manufacturing and shipping.


Just put myself down for 1 metr pro small antenna! Finally getting in on it lol

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To simplify, I can front the whole order and collect individually as they’re shipped.

Putting an estore together right now for something unrelated but can add metr modules as additional products.


Thanks for doing this @rpasichnyk !
Filled out @thisguyhere 's form for…
one Metr Pro - PCB antenna
I’ll be pleased to be able to nerd out on data… haha

Very interested in picking up a couple of these, but are there general situations or guidelines for where the PCB antenna version would not be sufficient? And also when you might need the large antenna version over the small one?


I was wondering about this too actually

same, im buying the pcb version for the unitys though. I have antennae now and have never had connection issues. Goes 30 ft easily.

@Mobutusan @ShutterShock

The main reason to choose an external antenna based module is when you are using a carbon fibre, aluminium or other metal based enclosure that would block/reduce the RF signal. For the external antenna you can just drill a hole in the enclosure and place it somewhere outside. Make sure that you attach the antenna firmly and there is no stress on the antenna cable.
In my tests the large antenna had a little more range then the smaller one that would result in a even more stable signal in RF dense places, but you also need the space for it. In general when not using an RF blocking enclosure you should be fine with the PCB antenna like @bwahl602 said.

You can have a look at the following thread where I tested the different antenna options in an open field range test and the impact of an CF enclosure on signal strength:


Thanks! I think I will be fine with my small antenna selection then.

Thanks Roman, Is there any way we can have some sort of priority set for those who have been waiting for a Metr Pro for over a month already?
I’m not trying to stir anything up, i totally get the delays. Just curious if we could ensure those folks who had a prior order were ‘first dibs’ on this group buy list so to speak.

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There u go! I was thinking managing a spreadsheet was gonna be a PITA!
#initiative =)

I was thinking that too, but getting a discount would offset any concerns I have with it. Looks like he’s trying to get the order built before sending, so we would all get at the same time. No?

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Is the price in your form the retail price or the group buy price estimate?
Sorry if I missed the answer somewhere in this thread.

it’s whatever price @rpasichnyk quoted converted to USD

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Sorry my bad. I missed the quoted price.
Thank you

Yeah I’m alright with a discount too - I just get nervous seeing the amount of people jumping into the group buy and seeing that more production will be needed to support all the orders which means more wait. :frowning:
Also kind of stinks I’m already a month out and being placed in with those who are just jumping on - but it is what it is and I understand that. Corona Sucks.
I hope we can institute some kind of deadline/cutoff for orders on the group buy and ensure that those who have been waiting are taken care of first - but again this may be something that has already been considered. I’m just blabbing on with selfish desires at this point. My board should be ready for riding soon and I have no Bluetooth as of now

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It’s easy for me to be OK with it due to a kind soul reaching out and selling me one. If I were still waiting for one, and was honest with myself, I probably would be more concerned. Good luck to us all. :four_leaf_clover:

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Form price is the same as the website price. That’s why I was confused.


Yes, this. The form price is the website price converted to USD not the group buy price converted.

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Yea I think initially the form was made for a group buy with regular pricing. Just to get stuff shipped easier. I read in the main post if we get to 20 units then we get the 20% so I’m assuming that’ll be done At the end ??