[MEGA SALE US] All sold!

Not yet, but I will by the end of year or so. But thanks for posting!

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That would be $50

Vesc? I’ll take it, depends how much to 20136 northern Va

@Supervvalrus Shipping on vesc is just $3. PM me your address, my PayPal is arveenbkumar@gmail.com

Will do

Interested in the DieBieMS. PM me the info!

Hello @myreala,

Do you have available the VESC Flipsky Vesc 4.20- $50? if it is true, you can let me know how I can get this vesc and the conditions, thanks

its $300 on their site now too :frowning:

It’s only the black version https://www.longboarderlabs.com/product/tsg-pass-atin-black/

274 cad. It’s like 206$ USD

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you can get a flipsky vesc from ebay for $56 new, i just ordered one.

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Sorry, that was sold!

Can you provide me the link? Thanks

Do you want to buy a Focbox? I have an extra. Price would be $120



What version are those focboxes?

Most likely v1.6 one of them might be 1.7 As I bought that one much later.

What’s he difference with 1,.6 & 1.7 in very interested in the focbox. Also are they new ? Pm me please

I believe the 1.7 has the CAN bus protection.

Any chance that sensored motor is still available?

Yep both are available at this time.