Next question… What’s the ideal truck width for electric mountainboards?
- Narrower than 400mm
- 400mm
- 410mm
- 420mm
- 430mm
- 440mm
- 450mm
- 460mm
- Wider than 460mm
0 voters
Next question… What’s the ideal truck width for electric mountainboards?
0 voters
Ah fuck i clicked the vote by accident!
Ah I can change it all good
In person voting available for select individuals.
Wide enough for a 9" wheel to not hit the binding around your heel when wearing boots, and no wider This is why adjustable axle size is so important, because everyone’s feet and tire size is different.
This right here.
Matrix 2 are 414mm tip to tip but my toes will hit the 9" tires on hard turns. 430 or 440 would give me clearance and others too (size 10.5 us shoe, average) while not widening out too far to hit those sweet trails.