(May be) Looking for a 12S1P (21700)

I don’t really have much room left, I don’t think nese modules would fit

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would that be an issue when usuing

to charge the internal battery?

you aren’t clear on how this is actually bad

well bad in the way that yes, you’d have to use the voltage booster you have :stuck_out_tongue:

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ok cool I was liek what am I missing

link for info if you want @DavidF


Are you in the US? I can build you a pack in any odd shape you need.


My friend with an EUC makes parallel packs for his Gotway Monster and doesn’t use a booster for some of them

Connecting them at the same voltage is very key.

Nope EU unfortunately :confused:

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Been riding again today and it’s crazy

Last time: 20 km battery dead (yes, fully charged!)
This time : 24 km battery at 25% (remote showing one bar of 4) :thinking:

What changed, would you ask???
New wheels (I quit the rubber ones for harder but same diameter), hotter outside temperature (+10°C)
But still it’s a frakin mystery…!!!

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same route/elevation/wind/ride style?

Yep, slower ride :grin:

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Riding slower is usually more efficient :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes sure but not 25% slower otherwise I wouldn’t have asked :grin:

due to wind drag being non-linear, a 10% slower ride can save 25% batteries. (very realistic in esk8 speeds/ your scenario)


I think it’s basically a combination of this, plus less grippy wheels, plus battery reaching maximum capacity (was only 5-6 full cycle)
Anyway, It’s great news, I was happy like a 5 years old child at chistmas :joy: