Max brake vs Max regen

Ok I’m having a hard time finding out details of how these two behave. Basically if regen current is lower than max brake current does it go to motor heat instead, or is regen going to be the max? Or does regen get ignored instead and battery gets 60A?

Right now I have:
Motor current max brake -60A
Battery current Max Regen -24A

My brakes seems to be working very well so I’m wondering what is going on exactly.

“Battery Current Max Regen” is the strength of brakes at high speeds, and “Motor Current Max Brake” is the strength of brakes at low speeds. In intermediate speeds, it’s going to be somewhere between them.


Oh so not even one of the things I thought lol. Thanks for the info. The vesc documentation is a bit thin here.

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“duty cycle” is the search term you’re looking for.

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Hm so I feel better about my brake settings. What I realized is I have my motor current at 60a and battery amps at 120 but that is per side right? So with my 12s6p 30q pack I should set 60/60?

unless u r using unity with old 23.46fw, then yes, 60 per side

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Well hopefully I didn’t screw up the battery too much running like this 3 times.

nah, its quite hard to pull 120amps batt per side for long period, maybe short burst, but those are still acceptable

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Ok good, they were like 5km test rides but I did juice it lol. Always had 70+% battery though.

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You can’t pull more battery amps than your motor max current setting. No need to worry.


In simple terms, this is how vesc decides what motor current to accelerate / brake at:

min(battery max current setting * theoretical max speed / current speed, motor max current setting * throttle position percentage)

Let’s make sense of this with an example.
Battery regen: 24A
Motor max brake: 60A

When braking at max speed as hard as you can (100% throttle), we have

min(24A * max speed / max speed, 60A * 100%) = 24A

So despite our aggressive motor settings, we’re only getting 24A of braking power when at full speed. Now, let’s see how strong the brakes are at say, half speed. Again, full throttling to a stop.

min(24A * max speed / half max speed, 60A * 100%) = min(24A * 2, 60A) = 48A

Okay, so at half the speed we have 2x the braking power, because we’re still limited by battery current. What if we were going really slow, like 5% max speed?

min(24A / 0.05, 60A * 100%) = 60A

Finally! The battery is no longer the bottleneck, and we can brake with full motor power. And yes, this works for acceleration as well – at low speeds you can get crazy acceleration because the only limit is your motor settings! At speed, that’s when you’ll have less torque.

Anyway, my personal recommendation (assuming you have your BMS bypassed for discharge) is to ignore your battery’s spec sheet and charge it at a level that gives you good braking power in case of an emergency. For 18650 cells I like doing 10A per cell in a P-group, so for OP’s 6p pack I’d recommend a total of -60A regen, which would be -30A on each ESC. :slight_smile:


n00b question.

I haven’t fiddled with my boards for 1.5 years due to breaking a leg after getting hit by a car so knowledge is a bit fuzzy these days. I can’t ride on urethane because the bumps annoys the leg. I had my first long (18 mile) group ride this past weekend so I decided to put the pneumatics on the originally 110mm board, so went from a 44T wheel pulley to a 67T pulley, didn’t change any settings.

Question is. Should I be changing anything when I swap wheels like this? The board rode fine, but the brakes seems a bit weak.

I don’t have my board with me, but I’m pretty sure this is what I have on my 10s8p board

I have the six shooters and I have my motor min at -70A and the brakes are pretty strong. I did have to up that when I switched from thane.


Yeah I’d just turn all of the Regen up. Pneumatics also just have better grip, so you can have stronger brakes.

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Thanks Matt. Guess I need to have a permanent AT setup for now, leg can’t take the abuse from the vibration, used to just cruise around on AT here and there and never noticed the difference. Group ride got me going a bit fast for the brakes.

Just cleaned up my Sixshooters to put on the board :cry:


at high speed or low speed?

High speed, probably high 20’s. I generally don’t go fast that’s why I never noticed how long it took to stop in the group ride. Had to adjust spacing

Lower “Battery Min” from -12A to something like -20A

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