MakerX DV4 - Fault Code DRV & Fault Code ABS Over Current (Both).

I was able to solve the remote not working on 1 VESC by re-running the Motor Set-Up Wizard for both VESCs over CAN - Now the remote is working again (1 problem solved).

Now onto the next problem:

I have a Lacroix Nazare with the following specs:

12S6P Battery with Molicel P42A’s
SKP 6385 Motors at 151 KV
Flipsky VX2 Remote
MakerX DV4

I recently updated the MakerX DV4 Firmware to the Firmware 6.02 Version from the MakerX Website and I ran the Motor Set-Up Wizard and the Hall Sensors were read properly.

Everything seemed to be going great. Both motors were spinning great and the remote was working properly.

But now, after some bench testing, 1 motor just cuts-out. Everything seems to be going great, but then 1 motor just stops working and I get a red flashing light on the VESC. Then when I turn the board off, and then back on again - both motors work for a while until I get the same red flashing light again.

I checked all of my Motor Set-Ups on both sides of the VESC and my ABS Current is set to the Maximum 150A on both VESCS.

Here are pictures of the Motor Set-Up and Fault Codes I am getting when 1 motor cuts-out:

I’m hoping that something isn’t set correctly in the VESC Tool.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Makerx dv4 is only rated to 80A battery per side, suggest dropping the default 99A battery current max down to something more reasonable, like 60A per side, Turn on Slow ABS overcurrent limit if not already. Suggest double-checking all your phase wires are connected and soldered properly

It doesn’t matter. Since motor current is 60A, battery current per side can’t exceed that.

So if setting 100A motor and 50A battery, then actual motor current will only be 50A?

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nope. Motor and battery current are semi detached values. Your motor current can exceed your battery current, but the converse is not true

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Thanks for your input. It is definitely not the phase wires or motors. I hooked up some brand new motors with factory solder joints and ran Motor Wizard and got the same results. Slow ABS Current is set to true.

Also, the MakerX is rated for 100A X 2 and when I installed the 6.02 MakerX DV4 Firmware from the MakerX Website, the factory setting was 99.00 A for the Battery Current Max. So I kept it as is.

The Phase Filters are set to “True” per the factory Firmware Settings.

This one really has me stumped.

I am also having similar troubles with my MakerX DV4 on my Prototipo. This is very frustrating because I want to go ride!!

I have a feeling you somehow managed to override your motor or app settings somehwere. Can you take a screen recording of your running motor detection and configuring everything? It’s tedious but we’ll be able to point out any mistakes you could’ve possibly made. I’ve had multiple DV4/DV4s on various different setups without issues

Hi Evwan - Will do. Thanks!

It appears that the DRV Chip in the VESC just blew. It was working intermittently before, but I just heard a pop and a smoke smell. This should not be happening. All of the connections are factory and the VESC Settings are within limits.

Does anyone know anyone that can fix a Maker X DV4?

This is VERY Frustrating.

Also, I have to run some errands now, but will figure-out how to upload video later.

DV4 is not rated for 100A per motor continuously. From my understanding that is what you should set the absolute max to. The max current from my understanding should be set to 60 because that’s what it can do continuously. I could be wrong tho. Just wanted to share another perspective.

Nooooooooope. Set absolute max to the highest the esc will allow. Always.

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I figured-out the problem. A bad motor was causing the ABS Overcurrent. I hooked-up the bad motor to an old FocBox that I had and it threw the same ABS Overcurrent Fault. Upon further inspection, the bad motor doesn’t spin as freely as it should. Then I hooked up a brand new Flipsky Motor, ran the Motor Wizard, and it worked as it should. So I’m just going to order another VESC from MakerX and hopefully, I’ll be riding soon. Thanks for everyone’s help.