MakerX 100v 200 amp vesc. Anyone know the guy?

It’s coming in a day


Tho if we’re talking regen, the transient spike will come strong from the motor suddenly acting as an “inverted” generator to recharge the battery?

Doesn’t matter how big the battery is, a fast spike will first flow through the ESC before it’s dampened by the battery (I guess more noise or inductance might effectively happen, as you say, if it’s a small battery taking the beating).

So there’s still a risk thus need to spec with some margin above the fully charged operating voltage IMHO.


. I’ve tried 3 Bluetooth modules on the 100/200 vescs.

  1. Metr pro
  2. Another metr pro
  3. Freesk8 ble module

5.1 or 5.2.
11k baud rate. Uart turned on in settings

none connect.
I try those same ble modules on different vescs and they work.

What Bluetooth baud rates etc?