Maker-X Go-FOC DV4 (upgraded version) ----- Most Affordable Dual Drive ESC

Gets complicated very quickly I suppose - what about independent builders though?

If you don’t sell it, then theres really no danger. Its you’re own responsibility if your eq. fails cause you designed it badly. But if you have a very crappy china remote that distorts alot of frequencies. I.E you fly by a motorized wheelchair that is radio controlled and suddly it does full throttle cause you’re remote are doing something in that badwidth that i’ts not s’posed to. There would probably be consequences.

Seen exactly this, where a electrical hospital bed went haywire cause someone had thier cellphone closeby. (fault was in the bed)

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You EE’s have to deal with some annoying garbage in industry haha glad I am an ME

I mean we have stuff too but still :joy:

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Okay but how does MBoards sell his DIY batteries without being certified then??? Is he then risking a 15000 fine by doing so?

Boosted use remote Bluetooth module that already certificate. So no need do.

Dsn’t matter, the module is part of a new product. still needs to get certified. The process will be easier for them tho since the module already passed cert on its own.

Sure, if hes selling something that could potentially go against the EMC regulations, then yes.

Is not since not different enough. If look boosted remote has same FCC ID as chip.

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Yeah dont take my word for it. I just work with this shit.

I have never been inside of the process of cerftifying for FCC specifically and I do not know what components the boosted remote contains, but all of the cases I’ve been on where an external module that were pre-certified was mounted. A compliance was still done. Since theres obviously alot more componenets on the PCB it still needs to be covered by the basic standard which is EN55 in europe. The overhead for checking that it looks good on the used frequencyband where the module operates, is all in all pretty small extra.

Is no need angry. I also certify many product for year.

Has @mmaner @longhairedboy @b264 or anyone along that vien been sent your products for testing? You’ve been asked to do that 20 times. Until they are checked out by our resident testers you can simply forget sales my friend.

Just do it, prove them and lets go!

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I got 2 mini-fuckers on my desk but I’m postponing any tests untill they give me new firmware for the remote :wink:

I have a set of mini-FOC’s, they are currently in my test board being tested. I have close to 100 miles on BLDC, setup FOC last night but haven’t tested it yet.

I dont wanna talk to much as Im still putting all my data together, but they look good so far.


Progress, sounds like solid testing thank you.

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I won’t use any “dual” ESC. Only two single ESCs. I don’t like the idea that a failure on one side can make the other side fail, and you have to buy twice as much to fix it.

I like two independant drivetrains. Like two single-motor esk8 but mounted on the same deck.


Wow rly?


He’s a tad paranoid lol


Doesn’t Brian use two receivers too


2 condoms too


:joy: hahahhaa joke of the day