Fairly sure Freebord is using one m6 screw for each caster on the new boards. So two total just like a binding strap.
I would like to see one fail from something besides coming loose!
Fairly sure Freebord is using one m6 screw for each caster on the new boards. So two total just like a binding strap.
I would like to see one fail from something besides coming loose!
I think you often mistake genuine comments about your product as shit talking and come back with weirdly defensive and insecure comments. Doesn’t look great.
All I said is that my Haero deck has inserts set in the deck. I said nothing of them not going all the way through but since you stepped up to call it out, where are those inserts going all the way through again?
They go all the way through the structure of the deck and have quite a large flange on them. After they are installed the deck has the graphics and petg layer installed over them
On some of the decks, you can clearly see and feel the shape of the flange through the graphics/petg
Oh I’m 100% clear on that. Nitpickers get nitpicked.
Lol, as you were.
No I don’t maybe you interpret it that way maybe it’s because I write like a German
For me it’s just important that people understand what we are talking about that’s why we go into details.
You never said the insert don’t go through but you said, that you trust the whole core thickness more so you suggest it’s not going al the way trough.
Take your time and watch that video if you wanna learn about how our boards are made. Or skip to minute 5 to see how the inserts are installed and why they are even more strong than just a screw
For sure some can fuck up threads but that doesn’t happen from too much weight allied to a thread but from handle the thread in a wrong way most of the time.
A standard M6 Thread is holding around 90Kgs if treated in the right way. So 2 inserts are 180kgs and 3 are already 270kgs
Lol maybe
After looking at the inserts in my deck and jumping around with my bindings so much I have no doubt that they are strong enough to hold it
I would be more concerned about a screw shearing when put through the deck than one of these coming out
Snowboard Engineers know what they are doing since 40 years
That’s a neat process, would you recommend adding inserts after, I want to mount a battery box to the deck, my batteries are around 6kg
That’s something that could work, depending on which inserts you where thinking about to use
Probably some stainless steel self tappers, m5, I have a medium flex deck so don’t want to go too big
@haeroboards, someone is undersizing the insert holes and/or using a bad batch of inserts, bc pretty much all the threads on my 2021 binding inserts were garbage until i chased the threads with a tap.
At least half were unusable altogether. As in, i couldn’t thread a fastener to the bottom no matter the angle or how gentle or forceful i was.
Great board, disappointing start to a build.
What inserts would you recommend for a medium flex deck
First time we hear issues like that but yeah we saw some decks with not enough deburred holes. We will give that feedback to the factory. Maybe using a countersink. We will take a look into that before we ship other decks in future. Guys please always feel free to give feedback about that stuff via email after purchasing a deck
Definitely could work with adding a little bit of resin and gluing them in.
Safeqr way would be using this kind of inserts Steel Threaded Inserts - T-Nuts
But you’ll destroy the clean base with em tbh
I was thinking about t-nuts, used them before on a Trampa deck and they were solid but I do want a cleaner look, I’ve bought the inserts, should arrive tomorrow
Other people have had issues with the inserts:
You may want to investigate
Will take a look into that for sure.