Looking for advice/improvements to personal website project

Hey all,
So I’ve been building a website for people who are new to DIY or are looking at buying a prebuilt esk8.uk (There is some budget board stuff on there which isn’t applicable to DIY) and I am looking for some feedback and suggestions as to what else I should add to the site, as well as any obvious bugs I’ve missed when making it. Quite a lot of the info is probably pretty basic/obvious to the experienced builders here but hopefully, It is more useful to people who don’t know as much about esk8.

I was originally working on a board builder which would work like PC Part picker (Detecting as many compatibility issues as possible, etc) but I realized I need to add a few other tools before I make it.

The website is currently not refined at all for mobile use so please be aware there is a shitty experience on mobile at the moment

Any comments / advice / improvements highly welcome!

Known bugs:

  • Some of the estimated numbers get a bit wobbly around the extremes (Price of a 1S1P Battery pack is obviously wrong, range estimations @ 350lbs begin to become inaccurate)
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