Long Range Commuter | Custom Deck | 2x 6354 170kV | 10S 8P 30Q | Dickyho Trucks, Wheels, Mounts, ESC (for now)

Yes, I got them from him. They seem to have plenty of power, and only got slightly warm to the touch after about 15 km.

When I originally got them, one of them was not spinning properly, and I had to open it up. It had some glue/epoxy left over one of the magnet, so just had to clean it up quickly and then it was completely fine.

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Good to know! I like that retaining ring holding the magnets in place, looks beefy! Great looking build btw!

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Nice work with that enclosure!
How do you like the modular battery so far?

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@dickyho what about the picture above, isn’t that a retaining ring? Do you still sell that motor?

yes, I still sell the same motor. you mean the red CNC part that hold partially of those magnets? I don’t call it retainer, it might have that function though…

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Yes that part, do the 6374 and 6384 have that?

Loads of range. Never got to test the range I am getting. Tried once but only got to 59% and had to stop.

It was pretty easy to build, and minimised the amount of heat applied to the cells. If I was to build another board I would definitely do it the same way.

Edit: not sure if I mentioned this before. I did not add XT30 connectors in between the modules like I originally planned. I just ended up soldering them, as the connection should be much more reliable this way.

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The board has been very reliable up until now, but lately i haven’t had much time to ride due to uni, and probably won’t have any in the near future.

What would be a reasonable price to ask for it if I was to sell it? I will add some recent photos, but it is still in good condition. Might as well let someone else enjoy it while I can’t.

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Love this build. Wanted to ask if you are able to design this on a larger scale. Would be interested in speaking with you.

Cheers mate!