Log of trying to fix FW5.3 faults

Howdy all, if you remember from the FW5.3 thread, there was some weird stuff going on with the foc wizard spitting out VERY different values than good ol FW5.2. Here’s my experience and log of what I’ve done to fix this. As of writing this first post, I’m in the middle of troubleshooting.

Here’s the issue:

After running the board near max duty cycle’ there would be frequent stutters and faults. Also, the motors made some strange noises on hard accel/hard decel. I don’t have that on video so you’re just going to have to trust me there :rofl:

To start, here are the FOC values between FW5.2 and FW5.3 after running the FOC wizard on the same board.

As you can see, HUGE difference. This is on a Stormcore 60D+. That’s where I’m up to at the point of writing this.

Also, if anyone knows what I’d put here, I’d appreciate it. This is not a value shown in VT5.2 image


Update #1, after manually entering the values in… nothing seemed to change. I’d like to blame it on this image
value as I don’t know what to put there.

Rerunning motor detection with the old FOC wizard built into vt did nothing
Next up I’m gonna run VT3.0 foc wizard on FW5.3 to see what happens
nvm that didn’t change much of anything

For science I’m gonna test the beta for firmware 6.0, which is what comes after 5.3. Numbers work in strange ways…

lol ig not.

5.3 :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

finally no 4wd issues, at least for me

I’ve experienced the unevenness at max duty cycle on a single ESC.

I also get different motor detection results between 5.2 and 5.3, with 5.3 having higher resistance values.

On the VESC forum:

@Venom121212 pointed out that he was getting different motor detection values on the 5.03 beta vs 5.2. Vedder said:

The differences in R and L look correct. They are defined in a different way now and the L measurement is improved, so the difference you are seeing is expected.

@drdrs showed some logs of the duty cycle issue running a ZESC on 5.03 beta, but Vedder wasn’t sure why and there didn’t seem to be a resolution.


Yikes. 5.3 is completely unusable for me. Faults galore and my motors are making weird noises. I guess at that point, any solution I had in mind goes down the toilet and I go back to FW5.2. No 2nd uart :frowning:


@rusins I suppose that’s the answer

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To detect the Ld - Lq value, type this in the terminal: measure_ind 0.2

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