Hi Guys
Starting my eskate project and have been looking for battery options. I have been considering liPo instead of making a 18650 mainly due to the size, but my plan was to make a board that can do good range and speed in a more compact form than a normal longboard deck. my question is hopefully a nice and easy one
Hobby king states this lipo as a 6s2p.
but i was wondering if anyone knew if this was actually 6s2p?
The draw on that pack is 192A… think hes fine… Dont get confused. The C rating is directly related to the capacity(the C, duh), 12C x 16A =192A sure if his pack was 2000mah 100C would make sense.
While your math is correct, by experience says 12c (prolly more like 5-8c) is anemic in performance.
I’ve built a few lipo packs, in fact I hated 25r packs so much that only used lips for a time. I built a a 10s2p with x10 2s 5kmah 20c lips and it was not great. I built a 12s 2p pack with x4 6s 6kmah 50c lipos, it was still lacking a little.
60-100c is the sweet spot for great and delivery and mitigating sag.
Granted your worries about the C-rating is not unfounded. I too agree it’s often missleading and they dont keep thier promise of amps. But I’ve learned that it has more to do with the brand than the C-rating itself. Reading some reviews of some of the RC-gurus often tells alot.
However I guess best practice would be to overshoot the required amp draw by a hefty amount to be on the sure side.
It probably would but you’d have silly little range… 1300mah x3 dsnt addup to alot.
Also that would mean…9 separate packs(right?) The amount of cabling would consume more space than the batteries themselves xD unless you plan to butcher them.
Not sure yet, one of my hubmotors had loose magnets so waiting on loctite 380 atm.
Running on one hubmotor gets hot unless I ride conservative. My guess would be around 40-45km, maybe bit more.
If you decide to butcher them you’re going to need some aluminum flux if you intend to solder the tabs. They’re freaking shit to spotweld and soldering iron and normal flux wont help you
Should I say screw it and grab another 12 for 8P? I do want to make a temporary dual unity quad 6380 with my friend and his esk8 parts. That’s gonna need a lotta amps.
I have to order 96 30Q cells from Nkon anyway to go in this TB deck…
Uhh are you talking about… Range? I could imagine that figure is slightly exaggerated. The point of this 25R pack is ridiculous power. I think I’m getting more than with 30Q. Range is what the 12S8P 30Q pack is for.
I’ll take the 80A BMS out of the 12S7P build and have it use charge only so it could only be around $400 more for the 30Q pack.