I don’t think so, they would have them in a completed drivetrain but not for the rims/tubes/tires combo unless you ask

I bought Avio MK2 gears drives, Bergmeister wheels and Kahua trucks from Timo and Jeff. I thought I was buying a complete setup. So it was a complete drive train.

Most of the time you have to add bearings with any purchase. They only way it would come with bearings is if it was assembled.

Can someone bury this outdated thread please? @BillGordon

Ah ok I didn’t realize. Thanks for the information.

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I don’t want to be insensitive asking here, because of the whole situation with the company ect. Would anyone recommend buying Haggyboard Bergmeister AT wheels at this point. Is the company still around. Are they good quality ect. I’m deciding on my first pneumatic wheel. Been on urethane till now. I want to spend the least amount of money …but don’t want to buy complete Chinese trash.

No, absolutely do not buy. But that’s my opinion

Thanks for your opinion.You want to elaborate? :slight_smile:

There are way better pneumatic setups available, haggy is out of business + there is a production defect with the tubes around the valves so they will always break over time. Ask @iLikeThemStiff

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Ok thx. Can you or anybody else recommend a good tier and rim setup?I want penumatics mainly for the crusty roads in my city. I was looking at MBS FivesStar or Rockstar hubs or Aliexpres 6x2 combo

Sounds a bit harsh, I guess you could get a second hand set of bergs for not much now and they were riding amazing,
This being said if money was not an issue I’d give a go to the new Hoyt ones


I still have 2 complete wheels sitting around somewhere and honestly they’re a piece of history by now.

No way to get new tyres, non-standard rim size, can’t mount them to anything new and they’re not that much more special compared to cheapo 6 inches.

I did solve the inner tube issue though. Cheap 6x1.5 tubes from scooters. Just about fit with 0 room for expansion. 6x2 were too big and wrinkly

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