Light mount solutions?

Hey guys.

I’m looking for a light mount like the backfire one:

Where I can just put it on top of my board, but was hoping to be able to mount 2 lights like this:

Are there any 3D printed solutions to this? I tried searching but couldn’t find anything.

The clamps used in the picture are called vibration clamps or rubber P clamps.

They carry them at lowes/home depot in the electrical conduit and piping section.


Thank you! That’s a good backup, I was hoping to be able to clip the lights on and off for charging.

Best light ive used yet.

He has a few different mounts including a helmet mount.


I’ll probably get this! Awesome thank you!

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You won’t regret it.
Really glad i got one of these and not shredlights again


I ordered some of the dual bottom mount lights ill let you know how they work out of you want. Hows the helmet mount eorking so far @Skunk?


Ordered the full set!


I love it. Helmet lights are a must for me now.
I tried to take night photos but my phones camera is a joke…
Hoping to get my lady to come help me with her camera.

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Is that what you kids call it now at the day? :smirk:
JK ly :kissing_heart:


As BigZwatt said i’m making a dual street side mount. I am just waiting on a shipment of lights to send stuff out. Once I have confirmation they fit i’ll make a post about them as well and get the community another discount. I saw that you placed an order, so i’ll fufill that ASAP but if you wanted to upgrade later on you can always message me and we can figure something out.


That would be awesome! I definitely prefer the dual look. When would that be available to purchase you think?

I have two people buying a set to test. I would expect late next week I will have confirmation that they fit with certain hanger widths/wheels. They are kind of wide and just barely don’t fit in standard 180mm hangers, but a large chunk of riders use larger hangers anyway so I decided to finish the design anyway. Once I hear back from them, i’ll get some photo’s from them and make a post. You’ll see it when I make it (i’ll tag you if I remember). They will be compatible with the top mounted light, too, so if you wanted to basically blind anything and see into the future with light you could mount all three. :wink:

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Got any pictures of the prototype or design?


I carry a 500 lumens flashlight in my left hand with a rubber strap that secures it around the back of my hand, so I can look around without blinding anyone, and so I can point it where I want and actually see what’s coming before I’m on top of it.


yep! See reply 20 on the post Skunk linked; there is some cad of the mount. I had printed one and mounted it and it looked great. I will print one out and mount it if I have time, but you can get the general idea.

Awesome thanks, I’ll take the single top mount I paid for and then contact you later if I feel the need to get the double one!

Sounds good! I think the triple setup would look wicked so if you decide to get the street-side mount I might hit you up for some photo’s :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll let you know! Let me know when you get started on that order and ship it :slight_smile: