Light cruiser wishlist - what are you thinking about?

Smaller board

Keeps the weight down, no need for complicated hinges, and should be alot easier to build.

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I prefer a board that wont hit the ground when mall grabbed so around 30 inches or less.

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Just use a kayak handle, usually works really well.

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I’ve contemplated using a kayak handle before but I don’t love the looks of it.

Me neither, but when it comes to being practical it helps.

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I’m really relieved you are ok with me taking jabs at you sunshine. I was very worried there for a while. :joy:

afaik its @topcloud that knows most about the aileron.




It heavily depends on the usage, I’m using a single 5065 because I’m a pencil of a human on exclusively flat ground and it’s been geared for torque…but if you got some heft to you on a steep hill of course you’ll need a beefier power train


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Ok you made me laugh out loud. We are now lifelong friends and if anyone messes with you they mess with me. :joy:

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Would a freeboard binding good enough? It should hold the board if you brace but let you go if you stumble

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Yeah fine but don’t push it dude. :joy:

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Maybe, working on a swappable 3D printed enclosure/case? :wink:

But I think having a charger on the backpack may make more sense, these cells can take a lot of charging current, they are made with powertools in mind, trade cycle life for fast charging in such a small battery is not that expensive, and if you could do a custom charge curve charging it really fast is an option

Or depending how you use the board a small and compact 2 A charger

Anything too far I would take a bigger and more comfortable board

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Thinking about it, it’s not that complicated to implement.
If you prepare for your day then maybe 2 light batteries might have sense. Still thinking of this.
I agree on longer distances, just take the bigger board, but then idle portability is secondary.

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Works great so far. tbh the size is kinda nuts, no issues apart from missing bootloader which is a 2 second fix.