LHB Purple Flux DIY Board

It is complete, running, and rideable!

I’m sorry but the extra money you sell a COMPLETE for has little to do with the intrinsic PARTS VALUE.


I stand corrected :slight_smile:

respectfully, gonna disagree that $2200 is a bargain though when I can get a new new flux for $3400ish


Hm that is true

People here don’t value building very much nowadays it seems though, maybe facebook would be the go-to for used builds.

1k difference? That seems like a bargain to me


seems legit to me. $1200 off because it’s missing paint and only has $300 ish miles on it?

one thing i’ve noticed about the DIY community is a lot of yall look at how much the parts are likely worth and forget about how much the board is worth as a whole. Its kind of fucked up. I get it, because we all shop for parts all day and that’s how we look at things. But it’s wrong.


also a DIY forum likely isn’t the best audience to sell a complete. Put this on facebook.

edit: ninja’d


idk if you’re being fictitious :stuck_out_tongue: but I would for sure rather spend $1k’ish more for a fresh from factory v2 flux than tearing this down and spending the time

at the minimum to get it looking right it would need new wheels ($70ish), tires ($70ish), reskin or a new deck ($200-300ish?)

then on top of that, the time

if I was aviator, I would refresh it though, or just finish sanding the deck and spray it black or something then sell it

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TLDR for aviator lol



In b4 @Venom121212 posts the dumpsterfire meme


Old LHB Flux
12s6p of Samsung 40t on belts, twampa mkiv esc, unskinned deck - $2200


New unobtanium LHB Flux
12s8p of Molicel 45a on gears, spintend esc, beautifully finished - $3500

I think this is priced fairly to sell to a non-diy person :man_shrugging:t3:


Thanks for that! If any DIY person wants it, shoot me an offer in pm’s.

I agree on this logic, but disagree that this is the situation with this board

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I think if it was a vanilla deck or had just never been skinned or whatever then yes I agree with you and LHB but:

This isn’t unskinned, it’s deskinned by a stray badger (sorry to whoever did it). It’s not that it’s unrideable it’s just that the big value add of a complete and why it’s much more than the sum of its parts is primarily the beauty and craft

There’s definitely the secondary utility value of having a functioning machine rather than a pile o’scrap, but similar to new cars you lose a huge chunk of value just rolling it off the lot. The battery and mechanical assembly are still likely very dependable and add back more of that utility value, but the value of this is strongly reduced given:

  1. In general you never have full traceability on used hardware, and there’s assumed risk associated with this that accounts for value loss
  2. Aviator specifically has insta-detonated electronics as soon as they came into his possession in the past (some poor ESC), and has given even less traceability to this item than is usually provided

This board internal’s haven’t been tinkered with one bit. The last guy didn’t touch them and neither did I. This board is stock from LHB. Very clean build.

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Yeah I’m going to assume you’re being fully honest (as I think most people should), but it doesn’t mean you couldn’t be mistaken. That’s why used gear, especially with multiple owners and shipping sessions, loses value. It is as I said above, traceability combined with the consumerist desire for nice new shiny things


Nah, I bought that FocBox Unity partially broken from @Dizzie . Never broken any esk8 things.

I actually wasn’t talking about the unity, what about the spintend?

Oh dear God I wouldn’t buy water from him in the middle of a desert. Any board he owns becomes a black box of history and mystery.

Just saying from the parts list, I think he’d be better selling it to a schmuck on Reddit or Facebook.

Though following his previous trends, this board will be sold for much lower than initially offered if we keep heckling. That is when the esk8 vultures swoop in to pick the bones clean cough cough part out


Oh, it was never broken. Just the motor sensor wire crimp broke. Wasn’t the ESC after all.