Let there be ESK8 lights

how sturdy is the zoom function, do you see any risk of vibration slowly adjusting during less than ideal road conditions?

non-sequitur: is that Audrey II?

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Nah, it’s nice and full of resistance. I’m more worried about pulling the double sided tape off while pulling the lens out. I kinda wish it twisted to zoom but we’ll see how it goes.

We call him petey piranha lol. Very close


sweet thanks! keep a close eye on petey piranha something tells me he has ideas…

i really want there to be an off color joke to be in your post but i cannot find it, which means too much time online for me today. so i’m going to jack out of the internet for the day.

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While searching for lights online just now, I noticed there are these bicycle lights that project an image of a bicycle on the ground with lasers:

  1. How hard would it be to modify that image to a skateboard? /s
  2. Why doesn’t something like this exist for turn indicators? I would love to have green arrows on the ground in front of me :smiley:

Having seen these in person, they’re a joke tbh. I doubt it would even work on a board because it needs to be high enough off the ground. And they are not nearly as bright as they look in those photos. More like a dim line.


So only the lines are actually lasers, the images are just a bright light through a cutout I assume, right?

A lot of people use these tail-lights, and they seem okay:

Yeah the lines are lasers and the images are a diode projecting through a lens with a cutout shape. Can find em in kids toys. In the city with ambient lights and street lights, you almost have to know where to look to see it. I would never trust it for visibility purposes. Nice bright red/whatever color light to let people know you’re there. I guess just having it for fun, don’t see why not.


Unfortunately my demon podium has a V shaped contour right where the front light should stick instead of a nice flat surface.

I measured the visor threaded inserts at 4mm deep and will be putting 3 of these bad boys in to hold the light securely.

I’ll be honest… I considered just using short screws for a second but quickly ushered that terrible, forehead-stabbing idea away.


What about mounting the light on the side of the helmet? Or on the visor? I’m planning to do that so I can put my goggles up under my visor when I’m taking a break from riding. Maybe it’ll look dumb tho, I dunno.

Also, does the headlamp you got have a hard plastic part that curves backwards on the light itself? It looks like it does in the Amazon photos.

Edit: Also, what’s the footprint of the battery pack?

My recent light attempt was a failure. The light mount I designed worked great, it’s designed so the angle can be adjusted so I can use the same design for my Evo and other builds and also have davega mounted at the same time.

But the amount of light it produced was no way near enough to skate by at any decent speed:


I got some plastic knurled inserts that I’m going to install. I have my gopro mount on the very top and the headlight fits perfectly under the visor without being blocked. I’ll take some photos and measurements in a bit.


I like under the visor for more usable angles but I also like not having the sun blasting my eyeballs so I may go over the visor.

I’ve considered going no visor and I’ve even considered putting it on the visor but haven’t figured out how to make that work. :thinking:


i’m using a knog pwr-trail light with a head-torch attachment. i like the knog b/c it’s a multi-tool, i use it as a battery back up for my phone when traveling, and as flash light.

my wife is a runner and i “support” her by skating to different spots in her longer races to provide supplies and take gear. races out here typically start well before the sun is up and the light has been great. what i have noticed are:

  1. the torch on my head + me on my board can put the light into pedestrian’s eyes. this is minor as i adjust the lamp tilt depending on environment but noteworthy as we should be respectful of others.

  2. having it under the visor, while convenient in darker hours, reduces the efficacy of the visor and is particularly challenging in morning or dusk when the sun is lower in the sky.

i leave the head torch straps on the helmet all the time and remove the battery (in back) and lamp as needed. Eager to see if @Venom121212 comes up with a better location. i’ve been kicking around the idea of positioning the lamp in the front of the chin bar.


This is the #1 reason I prefer handheld over helmet mounted – because you can’t direct your gaze toward a pedestrian or motorist without also blinding them.


I give zero fucks about the size of my remote.

Make it huge and sturdy and put a solid flashlight on it. I’d take a taser attachment but I’d settle for a window breaker built into the hilt of the remote.

I used hysol 2 part epoxy to mount that shredlight to my maytech waterproof remote and it popped off clean, breaking neither piece somehow.

I suspect it has something to do with the Nano waterproof coating on it.


i’m not at my desk so i’ll count how many fucks i have when i get back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Honestly your feedback really helps. I’ve been struggling with this. I use the visor a lot and almost always keep it in the lowest position. I’m thinking on top but considering the side somehow.

Then I’m back to wanting a flashlight remote.

Change that quote to fleshlight, I dare you.


Last night I went for a run and there was like 5 bikers riding towards me with and they all had super bright lights turned on. Whats the point?


This is a good point, probably the most practical and they way my lighting solution was for a while.

Admittedly my situation is niche however i found it was quite helpful being able to use both hands + see while getting stuff in/out of my backpack while doing race support activities.

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i think i started with it above the visor but had a shadow from the visor which lead to putting it below. i’ll fiddle with tonight when its dark to see if there is a better/different spot. i briefly moved it to the front of the chinbar a few min ago and i dont like it. my particular lamp is already tilted down so i’d need to wedge it to be straight ahead for riding at night and that seems a little to much effort.