Enjoy folks. This was a labor of love and fire, and perhaps a small contribution to the pool of YouTube “reviews” that stands half a step above the usual passing advertisement.
Many thanks to @Battery_Mooch for helping me, in an ENTIRELY theoretical and academic sense. At NO point was I given any guidance on how to proceed with unsafe handling of any hazardous materials.
Ayyy let’s take the time to leave this fine gentlemen a like and or a comment for doing the proper testing to reflect our actual use case. This video actually depicts the safety and failure points one would experience in this scenario, no BS.
Awesome video. Well worth the full watch. I would not have sought this kind of content out, had you not posted it. So thank you for all the effort and expense and for making all of us aware of it!
Sidenote… am I the only one who thought If the manufacturer reinforces the seams, it’s not going to -stop- the explosion, it’s probably going to make the end result more violent when the next weakest part of the bag does eventually give way
In the few OSHA regulated facilities I’ve worked in, the fire safety cabinet is a brightly colored steel box with vents, specifically designed to provide a predetermined escape path for venting gases (and sometimes with flame arresters). Typically mounted to a cinder block or concrete wall.
Which can only hurt the business and reputation. Why ship over a product that isn’t up to the task, especially when the reviewer tells you “Ima blow this up ya know?”
For sure will be the first recommendation to watch when I meet PEV’ers who don’t know or respect the dangers of the power packs we all ride with. The vid is much more relatable and informative than watching a Tesla burning.
The inclusion of the “fuckfuckfuck” guy was gold well called for
I’ve done almost every abuse test I can think of. I could’ve had more cells in series/parallel dumping/shorting into a single cell and maybe that would be more dramatic but the most excitement came from charging to 8.5v and was a smelly smoke bomb.
Shorting did trigger an internal fuse. But then the cell strangely would come back to life later. It would always show a decent voltage but somehow barely any current would pass