That’s so rough, hope you’re ok after a fall like that. For diagnosis, do you have any pictures of the internals now? I’m basically looking for anything that could cause an intermittent short, I think a non-catastrophic phase wire short could explain both losing one motor and locking the ESC, so maybe look for pierced or worn silicone around the ESC phase output
There could be a bunch of other causes though, I’d start by getting close up pictures of as many of the components as possible in their current condition. Then take it apart piece by piece looking for mechanical damage and testing with a multimeter for continuities that shouldn’t be there
@ApproachCautiously definitely shouldn’t have been a traction issue, it was a dry day on smooth pavement I’ve ridden numerous times…
@mr.shiteside I’ll get some pics of the internals later today or tomorrow and report back. I’m mostly ok - mainly just some road rash right above my tailbone (sleeping was fun…) Last night I was super worried that I’d messed my spine up somehow, but it feels better today, so I think it’s just bruising.
I slammed the back of my head super hard and my TSG Pass visor is in pieces. Can’t wait to show you guys pics…
The helmet definitely saved my life though, first time I think I can say that after a fall. It’s crazy too, I first left the house with my shitty halfshell, but turned back and switched to the Pass cause the wind was fucking with my eyes. Fell not 10 mins later. Lucky me…
Please toss out that helmet after you take pics of it! if you knew that already then ignore this
I’ve had what felt like it start to happen going uphill on a dry road before. Likely due to the right motor not being able to keep up with the left. So I wouldn’t say it being dry rules it out completely. probably something else was the main cause though if the ESC locked up
Use “tsg saved my life” for a replacement. TSG saved my life program - How to take part? - TSG
I used mine for my wicked fall and replaced with their discount. Glad you are still here. I’ll leave the diagnostic speculation to the experts.
Back of the helmet where I slammed my head actually looks fine. Is there any way to determine if it needs replacing? I know they say to replace after basically any crash, but I’m not a rich man…
Behind left ear looks the worst imo. 2nd photo. From my understanding if there is any cracks or if you hear what id call “fiber glass flexing” anywhere on the “outer shell” its toast noggin saving wise. Cracks also arent synonymous with it being compromised. I mean something is certainly better than nothing but if you fell and smahed your head at the speed you said above she probably ready for retirement. Gear did its job kept you walking. Its expensive for sure but so are wheelchairs and caskets.
That left ear scratch/crack was already there prior to the crash. I wonder if I landed on the same spot? Maybe it wasn’t the back of my head like I thought…
Even better reason to replace if it was from another fall. The Pass I think really is only rated for one “moderate or heavy” hit. EPS foam condenses/crushes much like crumble zones do on cars. Its desgined to break/abosorb impact once more or less.
Yeah that’s good. Next guess would be ABS overcurrent or a phase short.
Check all your physical connections for loose connectors/shitty joints (particularly factory bullet connections)
Phase shorts can happen internally within the motor as well. @b264 can link you to a thread on how to hand test the motor for shorts. If the motor is shorted, it can be for a number of reasons, most commonly using mounting screws that are too long.