Latest focbox unity firmware

As the title says, does anyone know what the latest safe, stable vesc software update is on focbox unity. Im currently running 5.02 any help much appriecated.

The latest firmware available should work on the hardware, but there’s always this:

I am running 6.05 on mine and couldn’t be happier. On 5.2 i had some crazy bugs…

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Thanks, i had seen this post and generally live by the if its not broke dont try to fix, however on this occasion i was/am having issues with it not commicating with something on 5.2 and didnt want to flash 6.2 or 6.5 if it had known issues on the focbox. Turns out. The firmware update had no impact on the issue i was having. Nice to know 6.5 is stable on the unity going forward though.


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What sort of bugs were you struggling with?

I have many bugs with vesc tool . Like pressing write settings but nothing happens, losing the slave esc from can-devices and having to restart my esc, vesc tool randomly crashing etc.
6.05 is a lot better and they have added internal imu support :partying_face:

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Are you using a computer or trying to program them with a phone?

Computa :computer: but i play with the settings a lot because i am working on the wheelie mode. Have you tried 6.05? The vesc tool is bug free and faster with better motor detection, support for imu and many more improvements


Im trying to get the focbox to register adc2. Ive read mixed comments on this ranging from not being possible on unity to reflashing the software. So far i can only come to the same conclusion that adc2 just doesnt work on the unity for some reason.

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Dang. Is that on a unity? How are making that happen? I wonder if its possible on the drift trike :thinking::thinking:

hahaah it is definitely possible !
But it sounds really dangerous…
ofc it is a unity!

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Well aslong as im not drifting while doing a wheelie it’ll be fine!!

Please teach me this magic. A quick google doesnt really throw back much info on it.