LACROIX Stormcore ESC and iOS app info

You “connect” everytime with a phone. But “pairing” is a step further that locks the ESC to your unique ID. It’ll give you an alphanumeric identifier that I would suggest screenshotting and saving in case the phone dies and you absolutely need to use another person’s phone


Nice! I set pairing done to true and can no longer connect, awesome! :smiley:


It’s not necessarily to give ultimate protection. Just to stop someone from inadvertently connecting to your board when they honestly just wanted to change a setting in their own. I don’t think people go to rides with others to fuck you up. Just like I highly doubt someone who isn’t from the grouprides would have an app that could fuck something up on the esc

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Can someone explain the 60D vs 60D+? Something about a uart port? Does the 60D have a faulty port?

60D unfortunately only has 1 working external UART port. The one on the side doesn’t work :frowning:

60D+ fixes that issue, as well as uses lower resistance mosfets for more power / less heat, and also has improved phase filters or what not, so that it can support Vedder Sensorless Startup (VSS) and HFI better.


Does LaCroix offer a fix or replacement?

They shipped me a 60d+ and asked me to return the 60d. The shipping price was meh enough that I asked if I could pay an undisclosed amount to keep it as a backup and we agreed on an amount we thought was fair.


Not called “ASS” anymore? lmao


Depending on your application you could use a uSplit to get more UART ports.


My application is selling it haha. But this way I can tell people they can swap it maybe


The worst part is 5.2 FW doesn’t even let you use the second uart port :joy:

5.3 is still acting wonky for me but made the port work immediately.

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Same issue here, forever. Pretty sure I’ve seen the same reported elsewhere. But yeah- brakes give out right at the very end where I’d normally be coming to a stop. Pair of 100S.

Ever find a cause?

Have yet to tweak any settings since the last ride. I wonder if this is a firmware issue, would downgrading/upgrading to the beta 5.3 help? Hmmm

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I run fw5.1 on my daily rider and our motor/battery amp settings are nearly identical. (Just adding info)

I thought it was just my Flipsky 6.6. I believe it has something to do with smart reverse because when I use any other mode, it doesn’t have the issue.


You beautiful bastard. It definitely popped up after I turned on smart reverse. Thanks @jack.luis you JERK


There’s and RPM setting for smart reverse, the speed at which is can be enabled maybe, adjusting that could better/worsen the issue?

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Agreed. I’d avoid switching directions at high speed. But I have SR enabled on all of my boards no issues. Including the 20s.

Also, get in the habit of never full braking, especially at low speed.


Not sure this would help because it seems to happen really randomly (at least in my case).