Lacroix Lonestar motor swap (Radium 173kv) need settings help

Hi all,
I’m in the process of swapping the original Lacroix Maytech motors to Radium’s 173kv drop-in Lacroix motors. The mechanical/wiring bits I understand.

Where I get lost is in what I’m supposed to do (assuming with VESC) to ensure the Stormcore 60D knows what do do with these new motors. I haven’t really used VESC and wonder what (critical) settings need to be conveyed to the ESC.

Any help from the forum would be appreciated. I did ask Radium directly, but tutorials is not something they really have time to develop.

Additionally, if I wire everything up and put this board back together, do I run the risk of fire/explosion if I turn the board on without changing any settings? Probably a stupid question…but I had to ask.

This is a good question for the “beginner questions thread”. Recommend posting stuff like this instead of making a new thread. There’s many tutorials on youtube you can find for vesc.

Here’s one from @ShutterShock

VESC Tool Setup & Programming Guide 2024: Black Mamba ESC Settings (Phase One Pt. 4) (


Settings will end up working slightly different on stormcore.

I.E. when you set up motor amps, on stormcore, the value is the total that is sent to the two motors, I believe.

no, that is incorrect. Stormcore motor amps is the same as any other ESC. Set it per side.

maybe you’re thinking of the old unity app or something like that?

There’s no per side though you can’t switch since its single MCU - no internal CANBUS?

So the number u see in vesc tool, is that the per motor value?

I have never had a desire to purchase a stormcore so I haven’t seen it lol

dude have you ever used a stormcore? you are so wrong

stormcores show up as two canbus escs, quit yapping geezer

No ofc not lol

What is the difference tho? Was it only unity that did that?

unity FIRMWARE did that. unity on vesc firmware behaves like any other dual.

Oh, the more you know - ignore my rambling then.

Stormpoop sucks anyway

OP - the video is still useful :rofl:


Thanks guys, I wired up the new motors and made the essential VESC edits this afternoon. I found this video to be the most helpful:

I did a few trips around the neighborhood and it all appears to be working well but the torque from the Radium motors will take some getting used to.