Lacroix Jaws 2.0 version power button inop yet VESC shows powered on. (Blue light shows steady) & small square shaped box attached the the bms (battery protection circuit board shows pulsating red…

This seemed to happen when I plugged in charger and accidentally pushed power button at same time. Stormcore app won’t connect. When Remote powered on it does not power motors. Super weird. Could I unplug something to try to reset it? This has happened before. Board battery shows 45% currently. Im adding juice as we speak to see if more charge helps. Any ideas that could potentially lead to a fix greatly appreciated​:call_me_hand:t3::call_me_hand:t3::call_me_hand:t3:

You need to disconnect and reconnect the main power cable from the battery to esc

It happens when you double press the power button on the stormcore, sends it into a weird boot loop.

If left like that it will drain your battery completely ded


Wow thanks for the quick response! I will try that! Sorry for the ridiculous dumbass question lol but do I hv any idea which button that is? Also just noticed a new green light on steady also shown in the pic if u can see it🤙🏼

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This is the one you want to disconnect/reconnect

I had no idea of this. So, basically, don’t double tap the power button when running late to the pub on a Thursday night, or in the boonwhopps 50km from home without enclosure dropping tools?

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Or just don’t use a stormcore

Well, I guess if I left my tools at home and and accidentally stuck it in a bootloop I guess I wouldn’t be using a stormcore, and would hopefully have chosen the thane board that night.

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That worked! Thanks so much Glyphiks! You’re the second smartest person I know!

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You didn’t “try turning it off and on again” that should be your first try !

I wanted to ask you in particular since you helped me successfully fix my earlier issue:

Now that I’ve replaced my belt drive w/ BN’s M1-AT Gear Drive and replaced my stock 6389 190kv’s w/ 63100 190kv’s my board would not charge. So I downloaded xiaoxiangBMS app and that seemed to fix the second issue.

After a full charge I rode the board over the next few days and all seemed fine. I did not realize my board was not charging as every time I charged it it would show a green light so I thought it kept recharging fine but ran out of juice again even though it was showing green light.

Now the Xiaoxiang app shows:

  • a MOSFET software locked alarm
    and also:
  • A cell over voltage protection alarm
  • charger shows red light clicking sound…
  • I was told Single cells are coming up to 4.38 V. this is too much for LiIon (max. 4.2V).

Any ideas on this one?

In addition to my other answer above, the issue you are having looks very much like it could be related to the individual cell fuse that is employed on the lacroix pcb kit.

I have seen fuses like those provide intermittent values exactly like you are describing, you could try bypassing the fuse to see if that helps.

Yep, that looks like a wonky balance cable to me.

Time to jump down the heathshrinked rabbit hole