I had some fun in dirt park today, also jumping in a train with 3 people was epic.

I did overshoot many times so I thought I am ready for the more difficult bigger line with doubles. The problem is that I can’t jump the first double because it’s too narrow. There are 4 doubles and I tried the third one.

The gap is about 4.5 meters but to clear it you have to jump about 5.5 meters which is crazy.

Shortly before my tiny battery was empty I thought I give it a try. I had not enough speed and jumped 4.5 meters only and landed exactly with the middle of the deck on that hill. That was quite an impact :rofl: , I didn’t try it a second time, maybe next time. At least it was a nice adrenalin rush…


Very nice riding! Let’s take it to the mountains, e.g. Alps, one day!

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Today I brought myself to try 2 new things which I’m scared of. First thing is this drop down with a quite steep landing.

I never did such things because you can hurt yourself really quck if you don’t succeed. Then I did it and it was thrilling :sunglasses:

I jumped several times and then I thought I’m ready to jump another double with a narrow stone at the lip. Stupid idea because it hurt, that’s the landing :rofl:

I was too slow and really scared but did it anyway and it went wrong

My back and arm hurt a bit but it should be alright. I won’t try this doubles again. At least I have 2 new scenes for the dirt park video, coming soon.


How fast did you have to hit that drop? I have one I’m still too scared to try :expressionless:

Killing it as always man!


snapped couple of belts doing that :stuck_out_tongue: whirrrl sound while still in air belt goes bye bye upon landing

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Difficult to say, it depends on what comes after the drop or the distance to the landing zone. If you have balls you can ride very slow, lift the front wheels at the edge only and balance on your rear wheels until you drop. I can do this down sidewalks or low ledges but I succeed maybe 60% only. That’s too risky for me.

The first time jumping down the drop I was too slow, the second time too fast, then I got it. But what I did before is to jump on flat in different speeds and watched how much speed is needed to clear the distance (at least a bit more than the length of the board). Yeah and I lift (or ollie) the board before dropping, otherwise I would need more speed and then I would overshoot.

Did you brake or accelerate during landing?

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accelerate. I was just making whirry sound lol didn’t intend to land with it

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I learned the lesson not long ago :laughing:

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Jump around!!! Jump AROUND!!!


Haha that song reminds me when I was a teen. I should use it for a video, fits perfectly :ok_hand:

Meanwhile I found out why I crashed when I jumped the double. During take off a gear drive (or the truck) hit the stone so hard that I fell forward and couldn’t save the landing. Funny is that I have zero memory about this stone impact but on the footage it’s quite loud. I inspected the rear truck and gear drives and it looks alright. I think I hit a gear drive because the aluminium of the truck is much weaker and would be damaged for sure. I just did a proper E-Toxx quality check :man_shrugging:t2:


Today was digging day in dirt park and jesus my body hurts. We were 3 people and also 2 kids helped a bit. The man with the barrow was injured so we had to carry the dirt with shovels and a plastic bag :sweat_smile:

Richard cut some nice dirt blocks

The main goal was to fix the landing of one jump where a lot of dirt was missing.

Done :sunglasses:

The fixed landing is for the left dirt kicker, also widened the trail and removed grass.

I have a blister on my hand because then we removed a lot of grass to widen the path after the landing mainly so I can jump the following double. The dirt kicker was way to narrow so we widened and re-shaped it with fresh dirt.

Now I can jump it which I did for the very first time today. Awesome double feature :heart_eyes:

The widened trail is so much better to ride, next time I want to widen the right trail.

I bought 2 new shovels today so this is my actual collection

It got dark so it was time to leave. I’m sure I’ll sleep very well this night :grin:


I’m dead. I had another free day and decided to visit dirt park with my shovels again. My goal was to fix the last double and trail so I can jump the whole line with 3 doubles. I was alone and it was very effortful.

This was the narrow kicker with tiny trail, impossible to jump.

First I removed a lot of grass of the trail and kicker. Then I cut a lot of fresh dirt blocks and also moved loose dirt to widen the kicker, what a mess.

This 4 stones were collecting dust at home for a while, now they act as a support for the edge.

A while later it finally looked like this :heart_eyes:

Then it was time to jump and it is awesome! The distance to clear is quite far and it’s a step up as well so you have to ride fast. I can clear all 3 doubles now and it feels so good.

The battery and electronics got loose so I had to fix it with duct tape to end the session.

I’m so glad that I digged today. Here a before / after comparison :sunglasses:


You’re doing gods work clearing up those berms!


Thanks man :grin:

Just for clarification a berm is a (steep) angled curve like here

or here :rofl:

Good time to repeat some other terms regarding dirt jumps, they confused me in the beginning. For example for me it was always a ramp before I learned it’s a kicker or in this case a dirt kicker.

I have finally finished the video and gonna upload it soon :sunglasses:


Fantastic work, Rich! That’s some real dedication. Can’t wait to see the videos.



I wish I had the same dedication to finish the new battery, the lipos are quite swollen but work :man_shrugging:



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That’s strange, can you watch the other videos on my channel?

I checked the video and found nothing weird in the settings but edited the text just to change something. There were zero plays the first time but now there are 3 so maybe it works now :pray:t2:

Video works for me. You got those jumps down. Makes it look so smooth and easy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:even though I know it’s not. Now onto the 360s and back flips!