Jet surf board?

What kind of thrust is needed for the efoil?

Msk8(Merten) is the man to ask any questions, he is also into esk8

I don’t have any email addr to invite him, but sent him a msg in the other place

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The only thing worth considering.

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Looks great and specs say you’re right but at what cost? doubt any change from $10k

I believe the premise of this thread is to drop a zero off that figure and DIY


Looks impressive! Curious to see the price though… Board doesn’t even look too chunky like some of the efoils, and retains even a hint of sexiness in the shape. But maybe it’s the carbon black dress that has a slimming effect.
I like the tethered throttle, it saves quite a few design issues.

In theory, on an efoil, you could get away with about half the power of that esurf, so it could be spec’ed a bit more conservatively/ on the cheap.

Me too, but it does not look like it carries signal? The cable moves like rope not anything electrical, maybe it is just a tether to stop the remote getting lost?

If it were carrying signal then it would for sure be a failure point to get ripped out, even if just inline with a stronger rope.

The remote looks like as if it helps in the way of a handle akin to wakeboarding, I wonder if the shell is constructed to make it strong enough otherwise another failure point as you jerk your weight off that handle there is some very strong forces applies to every part in that chain.

mmm maybe you’re right, I’d be worried about that getting ripped out in time

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Ok I’m committed, building an esurf next!

Surf jet, or foil?

This is a cool project I would love to do, bu I don’t live next to a piece of water, and waterboarding in your bathtub might not give the same feeling… :cry:

Surf all the way.

dreams of amphibious esk8 :smile:

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I have been trying to follow these developments. I have been surfing with my best friend for 25 years. He has MS. He still gets around pretty well but the last few times we tried to surf he struggled to catch anything. It is a shame because he was a great surfer. It seems like the technology is drifting away from traditional surfboard shapes. I would love to build him an esurf that feels like a regular board once he is in a wave.

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That would be a very noble thing to do. Assuming the strength is gone but he can still get out in a prone position then launch under power…,even if not cruise around together like old days

You definitely should

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Yeah our days of triple overhead on deserted Baja point breaks are over but it would be good to get in the water with him again. We had sort of a last hurrah a few years back when we took both our families to Costa Rica for 10 days but technology may give us another opportunity.


That’s whats technology’s for, or one of the reasons

Surprise him dude, don’t leave on backburner too long and regret missing some more adventures together. You can make an esk8 anytime.

For a start join this forum

Probably there are sub-forums there dedicated to esurf & maybe you could peruse others open designs rather than starting from scratch

And ES of course

You’re probably au fait with all of this already


That e surf is up there for price. 10 grand in euros I believe but it is the pinnacle right now of electric surfboards. Carbon composite and hot swappable batteries. Remote leash is just that. A leash. Radio remote. I think there is a non leash version.
China have now jumped on the bandwagon so expect some good bad and ugly cheaper options.
To do it yourself then head over to efoil forum and check out the blank deck options. I’ve been ghosting over there for a while. Lots to learn with regard to safety. They run some pretty major volts and water …
I would approach it with the same philosophy as esk8. Get a prebuilt first and then go diy once you have the basic knowledge. Trust me no matter how good a builder you are you won’t get half the shit these guys talk about. Different level of nerd.

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I watched pacificmeisters videos where he was designing shit with a tactile sensored glove in some bond villlan studio and said to myself ‘you’re not ready’

Still there

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I’m signed up over there but ghost because I’m so nooby as to be ridiculous. We’ve actually got some good healthy aussies building petrol versions and they, as to be expected, are normal but the e guys are something different and with good measure. I would like my esurf to be created by some clever bastard in a sterile bond esque lab than Gary in his shed. DC high volts and water and me. Nah.


This thrust is for surf :