Janux Heatsink for Unity and FoxBox vescs

Heatsink to fit either FocBox Unity or single/dual FocBox speed controller. CNC machined from solid plate of aluminum T6 in San Diego, CA. USA

• Mounting holes to fit either Unity or single/dual FocBox
• Heat dissipating wave fins for drawing heat away from vesc.
• Heatsink Plate size: ~5”x3”x1/2” (~127mm x 77mm x 11mm)
• Weighs 208g
• Bolt directly onto cutout hole inside the enclosure with simple M4 bolts

More details here: https://www.janux-esk8.com/product-page/janux-vesc-heatsink-to-fit-unity-and-single-dual-focbox


Mmm, bacon. Looks delicious. :yum:


Just love your imagination :rofl:

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Hi Janux
… I will be grabbing one of your Unity heat sinks right away. Could you please advise on what is below you are a focbox Unity… on your board above? I am assuming it’s your BMS or part of your battery which is sick!! Green colored?? Is there anyway you can get me or tell me where I could get a battery like that? If that is your battery and that enclosure is badass

Its probably a bestech d189 or d596… Or something close… Which I happen to have a fairly new but used on for sale… If u need a battery… There’s plenty of builders here to choose from… I build as well and could help if need be … I got my eye on a heat sink as well =)

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Hi Paul,
The green colored board was Bestech BMS D140 and battery pack are both from Joseph Choi, Esk8life.com. Enclosure is eboardsperu.com.

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Nice heatsink. :+1:t4: Where do you attach it? I’m surprised the FETs are exposed on the backside of the Focbox / Unity? How shaped is the otherside of the heatsink? Do you include thermal pads with your package?

Heatsink is attached directly to the enclosure. You would need to cutout an opening to the enclosure.

Unity is secured by the 4 bolts from underside. Use of thermal glue is optional, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R1GYQ1Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Now that’s thorough work, keep it up!

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