iWonder Discovery 120D Cloudwheel discussion

Can you elaborate? I’m confused. Bill is starting up a new forum? Who is managing this Forum? What is the new Forum?

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This guy very trustworthy


6 posts were split to a new topic: who started esk8.news

It’s a case of “enemy of my enemy is my friend”

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I found a new way to charge an electric skateboard!LOL


Does anybody tested the New CW Discovery with TBDD Abec adapter?

yes, and it works, perfect fit


WTF haha you mofo lol you done some digging,pretty sure this is from my first build on the other forum from like 2016?
My first ever build,I done a couple months of research from building my own battery,vescs and other reliable components for one bit of circular metal to fuck me!
I concur with you and @rafaelinmissouri from experience,100% use spacers :rofl: but in my defence from memory I think the kit was missing spacers?
About to purchase a set of these 120mm cloudwheels any more updates would be appreciated :call_me_hand:


Caved and got the 120D… tried the 110 TB and have 160 AT… the 110 is kinda overhyped for my type of riding (NYC terrible streets). So far I like the 120D… handles the imperfections of the streets well and I regained some range when compared to the 110 TB


Was kind of considering the TB 110 after my 105s got run over and crushed but ended up going with 120s to replace them instead. I was concerned about range so I’m glad to know 120s get better range than TB 110s


Think because the 120 smaller contact patch and lighter weight is contributing to better range.


This has caused me problems with traction. I too live in NYC, and I’ve nearly slid while trying to turn quickly on road that is… Suboptimal at best.

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This has not been my experience. Minus 15-20%.


I have to agree with Bill. I have found the 110s to have more range. I really wish they would make a bald 120mm cloudwheel with a less curved profile. While I’m at it, use 72a urethane too.


I guess at first cloudwheels get less range because of the profile but as soon as it wears out they should achieve more due to the smaller contact patch?

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hollow whe cough cough … nevermind

Patch/contact area will increase with wear (like what happened with Rough Stuff), so not sure range will benefit.


Yeah… Contact patch increases over time, surely that will not result in better range.


I’ll test out the range for the 120s this weekend and see lol. I used to get 10-12 miles each battery with the revel kit on 105s. And 15+ miles on 90mm.

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wheel size, weight and hardness all have an impact on the range of the skateboard

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