Issue With Unity and Module while Logging data

I just pushed the update to Metr app. When connected to UNITY 23.45 it will display a warning and stop Realtime Data requests


Thanks Roman, I just got a new release prepared that in quick testing seems to have fixed BLE dropouts without touching any adjustment to IRQ priority. Going to take it out for some testing now.


Damn, sorry for the loss, it looks so scary. I hope most of your board is intact and you could maybe recycle some stuff from it, maybe need some new wires, a deck and a truck?
I’m glad the devs are working hard on a Sunday night to fix this issue!


Jfc. Glad I check the forum often. I am actually waiting on a unity metr module to arrive, I was gonna add that little puppy up right away and start logging.

Glad all of you that had some issues are all ok, if anything at least a bit spooked. :fearful:

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Alright 23.46 is live. Typically I’d prefer to test for a longer period of days, but in this case most of the changes are reverting to previously known working code and I’m not comfortable leaving it as is any longer than absolutely necessary. I was able to go out and ride about 15 miles on the firmware and did a few other tests with bench setups as well.


yeah, i got super lucky the traffic was thick, this easily could have been into a crowd, especially 6th ave right here is always busy AF during the day… the other part internally Im having issues with was my own concern with my board and its death…i didnt assess the area to see if everyone else was ok, i was in my own bubble.

this would be sweet if so… im recording the break down of my board…only got the trucks home… 1 motor mount is tweaked, both motors ok, sensor wires are dead, deck obviously, one bearing dead on the wheel that got most tweaked and has a weird wobble but once i re-fill it and will give it another spin…

so are we saying this is a unity bug but only in conjunction with the internal unity metr @Deodand

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I’ve seen Enertion act generously in the past, but I’m not sure if they’re currently in a position to do so…

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Technically any module that were to poll the internal serial bus at 250k baud fast enough would trigger the bug, but AFAIK only the unity module and the metr module are using this interface at 250k baud and in none of my testing was I able to trigger behavior with the included module. I think the metr module polls the RT data a bit more aggressively, but that should be completely acceptable behavior.


Have anyone dared to test the update yet lool?

Yes but I have no metr to potentially cause UART interference. If anyone wants to send me one to test :smirk:

Just to be clear that’s a joke. I’m no douche muffin.


Haha. I haven’t had time to even look at my wrecked board. One motor Started making a grinding noise after the crash. I guess she wasn’t as lucky


dammit man… that really sucks… hope you get it figured out. on the bright side then the firmware has hopefully been tested and proved to work before you actually get out riding again

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Actually went for a ride yesterday. Took my other board that still runs on 23.44 fw. It felt good to have brakes haha


One “fun” comment I read on another group is that the Bluetooth module is basically DDosing the Unity.
Y’all got Ddos…
I guess people should always wait before uploading new software in the only thing that controls their board.

Technically DOS not DDOS


There is so much I’d like to say but Sadly I can’t express myself the way I wish I could. People usually get offended by my comments lol :joy:

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Do it baby

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Don’t instigate boi

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You and Touch both have this unique gift. :grinning: But your builds and ride ability do a lot of the talking for you.


Lmao. We’re straight up haters man! But no matter what we still love our community :heart::heart: