Is there an alternative means of tapping battery voltage from a unity other than the two pin port?

Is there an alternative way of tapping battery voltage from a unity other than the two pin port my unity took a poop on the two pin port . Also I have a trampa 60HD VESC with the same question is there any way to tap in to the battery voltage only when the VESC is powered on?


You can just check the voltage at the main leads between the battery and the unity. Just the voltage monitor may slowly drain the battery unless there is a loop key between them

Here is a very basic diagram that is worse than one made in MS paint

Duck Battery Systems will soon have a solution for you. Turns on when the ESC turns on. Otherwise, no, stormcore and unity are some of the only escs on the market with battery voltage that gets switched on/off with the esc

I used to carry around a little voltage meter display that I connected to a barrel plug. I could pop it into my charge port for a sec to check the battery % or voltage. I still use it to check the voltage of boards in storage, I just added an xt30 so I could swap out the plugs.

This is my dilemma I have one of those Chinese knockoff Metro board voltage meter sink plates. I currently just have the meter tapped into my battery but this is not a long-term solution I don’t believe I’ll probably just go with the anti spark solution just wanted to check with you guys first. I do have one other question for you how is it that UART can relay voltage wirelessly to my remote but I can’t find battery voltage at the ESC UART port?