Is 900 amps too much?

I have two 6000mAh 6s 75c battery pack. I’m not sure if I did the math right but I got 900 A for the batteries in parallel. My dual vesc says it can take 100 amps continuous so 200 total. My question is, will the batteries fry the board? should I get some sort of anti-spark switch? I dont know much about this, Im new to esk8.

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The batteries don’t push out 900 amps it’s more like you can draw as much 900 amps from them. You could have a million amp battery and the VESC would draw the same amount. Is your VESC 12S capable? If so it would make more sense to put them in series.

Keep in mind VESCs might not do as many battery amps as motor amps. At 10% of max speed your motors are running at 10% the voltage going into the VESC and you could have 100 amps going into the motors drawing only 10 from the battery.

At 80% of your top speed, to put 100 amps into the motor you need to draw 80 amps from the battery.
This is why you might have more low end torque than top end torque, VESCs seem to have roughly 60% the battery amp capacity as motor amp capacity so your VESC might do more like 120 amps total from the battery but 200 amps total max into the motors.


If it says 100A continuous I wouldn’t set battery current over 100A personally


Which vesc do you have? Whether or not you need an antispark switch depends on that

It’s a dual flipsky 6.6

900 amps is way more than u would need on a board. Ur two 6s in parallel is still only 6s and normally people put them in series for 12s

I think Dual flipsky doesn’t have an integrated anti spark. U can just use an xt90s or some other plugs that integrate it

Ok, that makes a lot of sense. Yes, it is 12s capable. I just swapped parallel and series in my head. Thank you.

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I was going to use the xt 90 connectors but didn’t know they had integrated anti-spark. Thank you.

Why more amps? Why not more volts?

Note, XT90s, the one with the green markings. Non-antispark XT90 exists.

Also, to reiterate: voltage is pushed, current is pulled.