I will not name names, but there seems to be a universal issue when it comes to esk8 vendors and stock status. I do e-commerce for a living and I am constantly finding online stores that practice zero inventory control.
What is inventory control? Lets use shopify as an example:
In shopify, you can tell the site you want to list X for sale
Shopify asks you how many you have, lets say you have 10
Someone buys 8 of X
Your inventory is now 2 and the item is still listed as “in stock”
Someone else buys 2
Inventory level is now zero.
You as the vendor have three options:
1: List it as “out of stock”
2: List it as “on backorder”
3: Leave it as “in stock” and keep selling.
Too many vendors are going with option 3. I understand why you do it, you want to make sales. Well, it is annoying and leads to mistrust.
“Maybe I won’t buy “X” because it’s probably not actually in stock.” is something I’ve heard from others in this community.
I feel like on backorder is the best middle ground because if I see that as a customer I would still highly consider buying it just because I know “more are coming”
Similarly if I really want the product and it’s listed as out of stock, but with a restock date, I’d consider waiting.
My general view is that vendors should only sell things they have ready to ship. There a few exceptions but generally, if you don’t have it in hand then don’t put it in stock on your website.
Couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the write up! This is the exact reason I’ve stopped ordering from TB. Did that to me once, held an entire order for over a month because one item was oos.
I’d say battery packs or full boards about the only ones, but I think most people understand that type of thing is generally custom made. Personally I won’t accept a pack sale I don’t have the cells in hand to fulfill.
Both on the stock status points, and on the fact that I have 500 P42a cells left and like 300 P28a.
Selling stuff I don’t have breeds anxiety, and I’m no longer about that life.
Funny though, a guy I’m building a board for got proper pissed today about this exact thing. He made some good points, but I stressed that the vendor of the trucks/mounts was trusted and worth the wait.
However it’s hard to argue. So I too am glad this was brought up, I don’t have the courage to articulate this myself.