insanity: 4wd lean mean speed machine

yeah nice
did 8km today to a centre that i volunteer at (special needs kids) and ended up 55wh/mile still so seems around there

maxed at 30mph as i havent received my full face helmet yet and i was on bad tarmac
board is just insane to ride and cant wait to get it out properly


Can you send logs when you get the chance? I want to see amps n stuff


Videos / pics of the final build would be cool as well


eeer not sure how
got one 8km ride i did but wasnt to fast cause still waiting for a helmet (had to send back 2 cause of size issues) and also lots of traffic
got metr but dunno how to share

videos ive only got my phone so dunno the best way to video the board, still tryna figure it out
for pics trying to find an awesome location

in other news just chaged the rear angle down a bit to 30 degrees it now runs 50 at the front and 30 rear
now feels super stable and awesome once my helmet coems tomorrow (hopefully the right size) i will go and do some nice speed tests

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Do this while connected to board and then copy and past the link into this thread!

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its not working for me
may be cause my browser is weird atm
will try on a different device and see what i get

Cheers @DEEIF

Not a great ride but gonna go on a bit of a longer one tomorrow
Hopefully will meet up with @Athrx some time and then I can get a bit of a faster ride going


Manā€¦ i fear for your safety. Riding fast with me ainā€™t that fun. @Geo_Engineering_FTW can confirm this.

Judging from your log you didnā€™t really find anywhere to wind up that board. Lots of quick bursts with very little battery drained (although your battery barely sags at all. Nice).
You may have to wait to finish my build to go on a proper run for now


90A battery, 230A motors ā€“ color me impressed! Now I feel bad about my own upcoming build not even being capable of that :laughing:


Is your battery 12s? At one point your battery peaked to 52.1v


He went out on a full battery and barely consumed the top 5% off it. Braking with a full battery spikes easier because batteries canā€™t accept the energy fast enough. Still safe until 60V though


why so?

yeah exactly to much traffic and no long straights
didnt really manage to break any decent speed

thanks man
however that means the max i drew was 10amps per p group which is nothing compared to the 30amps they can give

yep exactly
this thing aint sagging for a long time
huge capacity and its only flaw is its weight. need to get a proper handle for it

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Youā€™ll be needing this to get the damn thing up the stairs soon

Iā€™m talking about safety because there isnā€™t really anywhere to go that fast without knowing the road, and we both ride in completely different places.
I can show you a road around stratford that passes leyton and ends in lea bridge. 1.7km you can rip 60km/hr the entire length and you still have cars backing up behind you. The road is supposedly ā€œ20mph(32km/hr)ā€ but no pedestrians or even sidewalks and industrial area in general do the thing.

Everything else is gridlocked at the hours i commute thanks to our lovely mayor that solved traffic by making most roads single lane

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got a couple roads round here where i can rip 60kmh+ but they are short stretches
need to get somewhere where i know the road and nice flat stretches

board weighs roughly 25kg for anyone who cares

so got my new helmet and test fitted all good
feel like a total moron in it though
may change back to an mtb style helmet instead of motocycle
if anyone has suggestion please tell me as really want one soon

Tsg pass or fox proframe seem like the top of the line options.


as i mentioned before i feel like a real dooche in those full face like tsg
the issue is if you feel stupid in your helmet i will eventually stop wearing it cause i dont enjoy wearing it

would prefer a mountain bike style
will look into the fox

Youā€™ll feel like even more of a douche with your brains spread across the road :man_shrugging:


yep probably
however i believe that mtb helmets are just as safe
they are mips and dh certified so def applicable for our circumstances? if you think differently please let me know

Not really.
They are much lighter and less hot, but thereā€™s always a tradeoff.