Infinity Logger (iLogger) - Micro SD, GPS, WIFI, CAN, UART, Tool App

@BenjaminF I see what you mean, I stumbled upon that issue when I was working on both on the online APi and the app.
After some work and tinkering around, I came up with a nice method similar to what you are describing here, zoom buttons will be added separately.
I’m going after the same design for the app’s chart viewer, I will post an update once I have it done.

@kalebludlow Thanks, it is very time consuming but worth it :wink:


Do we have an approximate shipping date for these?


I really like asking this for some reason:

Will there be a watch app? :slight_smile:


Ah i see you went with only being able to drag the cursor, rather than only being able to drag the data. This seems to work very well! Im glad you fixed this, as it is my main frustration with the Metr. Thanks, I cant wait to get mine!


I submitted the files for production on 05/06 and they gave me a completion estimate date of 05/26, but their turnaround time is usually faster than that. So I expect to have them in hand by the end of this month max. Once I get them I will post pictures and testing results. I expect to spend around 1-1.5 weeks thoroughly testing each unit before sending them out to the wild.

I have that planned in mind, but I can’t promise anything for now. Most likely after the iLogger is out of the testing/beta stage and is in good stable working condition.


Hype hype hype! Will you be making a thread or PM for the testers for this first batch?

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Yes I guess we will create a new thread dedicated to first batch testing, where we can go wild and try to break these things. :boom: :hammer:


Count me in. Im good at breaking stuff, just ask my poor hoyt receiver.


Hey yeah, super excited! Love to help with testing! Also any software development too!


Hey @WavRX, any updates to share? :smiley:


@BenjaminF Yes! I have quite a lot of updates to share, I’m preparing a list of all the awesome new software features I have been working on for the past few days, in the meantime, here is a sneak peak of the iLogger sample, fresh from the fab, I just received the pictures today for inspection before they run the rest.

It looks fresh! :grin: :+1:

PS: I still have a few spots left for the first batch, 5 to be exact :wink:


Can’t wait to take down some data!


Hi guys,

Here is what I have been up to during the last few days:

  • Added a delete function :

  • Added Faults code indicators on the graph ( Here is an under_voltage induced fault):

Worked on some backend magic and now we have:

  • Direct and fast Wifi upload, click it and watch it go live.
  • Automatic Wifi reconnect
  • Automatic rides synchronization to the cloud (An account dashboard portal is in the making)
  • A neat URL generation for each upload
  • oEmbed ( Need to check for forum support)

Improved Charts on App and web viewer:


This is awesome! I am exited to get mine! Will there be a way to use this recorded date in an overlay for a video? I used the Garmin app to make youtube videos amd I add my metr date into the video as an over lay, however I am not able to add alot of the diffrent data the metr records.


That’s a cool idea, I will add it to my TODO list.


An example of what i am talking about, would be great to be able to see things like current, motor current, duty cycle, consumption. Stuff like that
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I’m watching a Garmin video tutorial right now, from the look of it it should be easily achievable. I will dive deeper into it.


This is some seriously impressive stuff dude! I love the granularity of detail that I can tear into on the graphs! Im fucking stoked :grin:


Looks just great! What you think about having the ability to add a comment to each stat? I’m using it for my Efoil and I’m using quite a lot of different 3d printed propellers for testing. Would be nice to write this down. I’m really missing this feature in Metr. Could you add this function?


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I like it, very useful indeed. I can add the ability to type down a note for each ride.
Added to my TODO list :ok_hand:
I should be able to implement it before the initial release. :slightly_smiling_face: