I'm done for now [i'm not dying or anything]

well… i mean… i can’t exactly break character…


Oh, heavens, I would never ask you to! As long as I’m allowed to peek out of the closet with my Sony Handycam (get it?) so I can get some new footage for forum.bigfootporn.com, I’m a happy duck.

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Glad you’re doing what you have to do Damon. Looking forward to more news articles! Be well. And that goes for the rest of you lot as well! Ride on…


Nvm, looks like R2 from Cloudflare is not out yet.
Backblaze + CF should cut the egress costs though, since they are both in the bandwidth alliance.


Oh bro, I can totally feel you, specially on the burn out, bc I had 2 burn outs already and since the second one I was never really getting back on my feet again. It sucks to hear it got you, too and I wish you all the best for you and your family life in the future. It was a pleasure to learn building boards from you and im thankful for all you have done to the world of eskate and to our community. Without you, evolve would use standard grip tape and not glass frit on their boards :joy: :handshake: :pray:
You will always be the number one and only eskate builder of all time for me, a true artist, a pioneer.
Keep your horns up, bro!
Im curious about your future music projects and i will support you as much as I can.


not sure yet if I’m going to resurrect Digital Death or bring out a new project name. Flock of Vodka caught my interest as a name, from that meme where the guy was talking about 3 shots of grey goose… or was it grey geese… fuck it just bring me a … lol

i might do a freestyle livestream of this five scene song i got going right now… it’s a solid 20 minute mix with plenty of hooks and room to sway.


Putting your health first is the very best thing to do